• 30 Days of Gratitude

    Thanksgiving and Fall have always been my favorite holiday and time of year. I love that this particular holiday is simple and pure. Gathering everyone I love around me, giving thanks to my…

  • Halle Heart Center

    Jared went with Eli and his class to the Halle Heart Center in Tempe. Visitors to the museum find out how the heart works, alone and with other parts of the body, as…

  • The Mayflower

    Eli had a school project this week on explorer ships and how his ancestors immigrated to the United States. Thankfully I’ve tried to gather as many documents, files, pictures, and charts as I…

  • Halloween

    Since Jared had been in & out of Urgent Care and in & out of the E.R. this week Halloween was sort of a hot mess. We had already planned on it being…

  • Urgent Care & The Emergency Room

     Last Sunday Jared started getting a sore throat and Monday he had signs of the stomach flu. By Tuesday things got progressively worse and by Wednesday he become so dehydrated he had lost…

  • Deacon’s Quorum Presidency

    Yesterday we stayed after church so that Walker could be set apart as the Secretary in the new Deacon’s Quorum Presidency. We are so proud of him, and that the Lord has entrusted…

  • Fall School Pictures

    Hard to believe 1st quarter is already over! We just finished parent/teacher conferences for the kids and I’m so proud of each one of them! Their teachers had so many positive and great…

  • Extra Extra! Read All About It!!!

    We have a published newspaper columnist in the family!  Walker is taking Newspaper this year as one of his electives and he’s really enjoying it. He seems to be pretty good at it…

  • On The Mend

    So about a month ago we were swimming in water problems around here. Let’s just recap. We had a hot water line leak in the wall between the laundry room/garage. It was such…