• Alayna’s Diagnosis….PFAPA

    Our little Alayna was diagnosed today with PFAPA …Periodic Fevers, Aphthous Stomatitis, Pharyngitis, Adenitis Syndrome. It is an auto immune disease.  This syndrome includes recurrent episodes of fever with aphthous stomatitis (mouth sores) and…

  • Eli’s Arrow of Light!!!

    Eli had his Arrow of Light Ceremony last night! The Arrow of Light in Cub Scouts is the highest rank a boy can achieve. It is considered equivalent to The Eagle in Boy…

  • A Visit from the Easter Bunny!!

    When we got home last night from our trip we found this note and Easter eggs all over our front yard! It was such a fun surprise to come home to!!! The kids…

  • Cedric & Michelle’s Wedding

    Our niece Michelle got married this past Saturday April 19, 2014!  We were blessed enough, through the generosity of Jared’s sister & brother in law, to be able to fly out to Texas…

  • Christiansen Wedding Cake

    Our R.S. President’s son got married over the weekend. She asked me to make the cake for them.  This is the final result! 🙂 I just got an email from her this morning…

  • Would You Like a Spot of Tea?

    Alayna cooked up a fun idea the other day. She started making invitations (and I’m really sad I didn’t get a picture of them…they were cute) for a few of her friends inviting…

  • Eli’s Academic Night

    It’s a busy week for this guy! Eli had his Golden Scholars-Academic Night tonight. This is the 2nd year in a row he’s earned this award! He’s a smarty pants!! 🙂  We are…

  • You Had a Birthday Shout Hooray!!!

     Eli had a birthday! He’s not this cute little trouble-maker anymore! ;P  Boy he was adorable!  Eli is now 11 years old and is quickly becoming a young man. He will be an…

  • The Easter Pageant!

    I love Easter! We’ve been doing our traditional 30 Day Easter Countdown and to add to the Spirit we went to the Mesa Temple Easter Pageant. Last year was our first year in…

  • Daddy Daughter Dance!!

    I just said good-bye to Alayna and Jared as they left for the Daddy Daughter Luau Dance!! Alayna has been giddy all week. She LOVES her Daddy so much and adores spending one…