• 4th of July!

    We had a low key but wonderful 4th of July this year. 🙂 We had the family over for a good ‘ol fashion BBQ and swam all day! 🙂 Eli had gotten a…

  • Happy Birthday!!

    It’s Walker’s Birthday! 🙂 We are so thankful for this young man of ours!  He’s about 9 mo. old in the left pic. 🙂 It’s a joy to be his Mom. He makes…

  • Bubble Kids!

    Eli got this ball a few years ago from Gma & Gpa Morrison for his bday. It made it through exactly one birthday party with 10 or so crazy boys and it suffered…

  • Itchy, Scratchy, and No Fun at All!

    Wednesday morning at 2 AM Alayna woke up and came into my rooms saying she had a bad dream and was really itchy. I wasn’t fully coherent and I brushed her off and…

  • No More Brace Face!

    Another milestone for Walker has come! He got his braces off today!!!!!!!! Boy he’s sure grown and matured in 2 short years.  He got them on at the end of 6th grade when…

  • Alayna’s Tonsillectomy (PFAPA)

    Well the BIG day finally arrived on Monday. Alayna had her tonsils removed in hopes it would give her a chance at a cure from her autoimmune disease PFAPA.  It’s so weird how…

  • McClendon Family Reunion

    Unfortunately we couldn’t make it to the McClendon Family Reunion since Alayna is having her tonsils out. However, my Mom and Dad were able to go.  This is a pic of mom, her…

  • Cutest Hairdresser Ever!

    Walker has been in a serious need of a haircut. That mop of his was getting pretty shaggy. So Alayna came to his aid and gave him a snazzy new Summer do! 😛…

  • Worth the Wait!

    We had Eli’s friend bday party today! He really wanted to a swim party and it was still a little chilly last month. He decided he’d wait another month for it to warm…