• Swim Team!

    This week Alayna started Swim Team! She is a little fish at home and a friend of ours from church asked if we wanted to do it with them and we thought it…

  • Meet Kura!

    Meet the newest member of the Kitch family!!! Eli is the proud father of a sweet new baby girl named Kura! 🙂 As a part of his school assignment he is taking care…

  • Walker’s Last Band Concert

    Walker had his final band concert Tuesday night!  The end of the year is like a sprint. So many concerts, projects, finals, and ceremonies. I can see the finish line though, and that’s…

  • Mother’s Day!

    Mother’s Day was yesterday! Jared got me roses and the kids each made me a card. 🙂 Eli’s Card My favorite part was of course the Haiku!!! LOL! He’s so funny! 😛 Alayna’s…

  • Elvis is in the Building!

    Alayna had to choose a Famous American to do a report on. It’s the BIG end of the year project for 2nd Grade. She chose Elvis Presley! 😀 We worked on this for…

  • Mother Daughter Activity

    Alayna is LOVING Achievement Days! Yesterday they had a Mother Daughter Activity where the girls got to show us all their different talents. Some girls played the piano, performed gymnastics, displayed art or…

  • Eli’s Final Concert

    Eli had his final concert for Elementary School! This year has flown by! He even had a bit of a solo in “Mission Impossible”. 🙂 He’s pretty good!!!  On our way home Eli…

  • Mother Daughter Weekend!

    When the boys go to Father and Son’s, Alayna and I get to have Mommy Daughter time!!! I absolutely love it! 😀 This year we decided to try As You Wish!   Alayna loves…

  • Father & Son’s Campout

    Jared and the boys had their Father & Son’s campout this weekend. Thanks to Eli I have a “few” pictures of their time up north. Thanks Eli!!!  That pretty much looks like heaven…

  • Walk N Roll Part 2!

    The school kept their promise and the kids got to take part in the fire truck/water portion of their fundraiser party! 🙂 Alayna is the third one in from the left!!! She looks…