• More Tests

    Eli had to have an EKG done today. His biopsies from the endoscopy/colonoscopy came back normal, as have all of his other labs and tests. The blockage is no longer an issue so…

  • The Kitch Plague of 2016

    I’ve officially decreed we must have the Kitch Plague of 2016! Seriously! This has got to stop. Why are we so sick this year? We’re never sick…at least not to this magnitude where…

  • Thank You

    I’ve been in Young Women’s almost 5 months now. Hard to believe! I went to get the mail today and this sweet note from one of the girls’ moms came for me today. …

  • About Sums It Up

     We were having scripture time and the moment just struck me how everyone’s expressions summed up the past few months.  Walker is always trying to be cheerful even when he’s not well while…

  • Praying for Answers

     Eli has been having severe stomach pain since the beginning of January. We’ve been to several doctor appointments, hes had an x-ray and every lab test under the sun completed, and everything keeps…

  • Our Rembrandt

    Alayna started taking an art class after school called Young Rembrandts. Unfortunately, we’ve been so sick this year with the flu she missed half of the classes. 🙁  She did make it to…

  • One of Those Days….

    It’s been a crazy couple of months! Our family can’t seem to stay well. The cold/flu season just won’t leave us alone and Eli has been having severe stomach pain since the beginning…

  • In Progress……

    Last spring we had to rip out all of the plants and a giant tree from our back yard. You can read more about it here. We haven’t done anything with it until…

  • Valentine’s Celebrations

    For our family Valentine’s we decided to take the kids out to a new fondue place called Everyone Loves Fondue. It’s a quick service type place and you can choose what cheeses you…