Brynne’s Bridal Shower

Our good friend (and Bishop’s wife) volunteered to host Brynne’s Bridal shower at their home. They are such generous and giving people. Their home made a beautiful setting for the evening!

We had so many women from the ward help us put this together on such short notice. It all turned out better than we could have imagined!

Family and friends made the night so special. Brynne said she felt so loved!!

We had a full house!! This pic doesn’t even show everyone there that night.

She got some wonderful gifts for her and Eli to start their lives together. We even had a great big belly laugh with the picnic basket Alayna and I got her. I love that we can laugh and have a great time together!!

We showered our favorite bride-to-be with all the love we could muster! ✨❤️✨ It was a beautiful night. Thank you to everyone who came and helped to make this celebration absolutely perfect! 💐 Just 4 more days!