Spring Break – Alayna’s Senior Trip – Day 1 Huntington Beach

The day finally arrived and we were all so excited to celebrate Alayna!

Eli, Brynne and Walker drove together and the three of us drove separately. Times like these I REALLY miss Big Red. She could fit everyone and everything! It sort of makes family trips feel a little less family-ish. But it is what it is and we made the best of it.

Of course we had to do our traditional video….

We made it to California!

We all got to the Airbnb at about the same time. We unloaded and then we headed to dinner and the beach. We picked up a handsome passenger too! <3

We went to Huntington Beach. It’s the closest one to the Disneyland area. While we were there we realized the last time we visited was when we lost Eli. You can read all about that crazy experience here.

We checked out some shops and to our surprise Walker and Alayna both found key chains with their names on them and they were even spelled correctly! That’s never happened before!

It was crazy windy and very cold. It was about 5pm by the time we got to beach. Alayna decided to get herself a cute poncho.

Walker found this toy shark. His Grandpa Morrison has always sung this song, “When the Shark Bites”. We had to film him singing it and we sent it to him. He loved it!

We made it down to the end of the pier and the nicest coolest lady offered to take our picture for us.

As we were heading out we saw hundreds of seals out in the ocean bobbing around. It was so cool!!!

The family wanted to go down and put their feet in the water even though it was so dang cold! I just couldn’t do it. I was frozen solid. So I waited for them while they had a blast. LOL!

It was a long but gorgeous day (even if it was FREEZING)!

We drove back to the Airbnb so we could get a good night’s sleep before our 1st day at Disneyland!