Cadet Kitch is Off to Field Training
It feels like he’s been preparing for a year to get here. Field Training is such a milestone for Cadets in their progression to graduation. And maybe it felt even more weighted because if he didn’t get selected he would have lost his scholarship. Not that we were worried about that. We had full confidence in Eli. But there’s always that 1% chance of something bizarre happening. It’s been a mixed bag of emotions for all of us. And Eli was just ready to go!
He Snapchatted this right before he left for the airport. π In our pantry of all places. LOL!

He boarded and met up with his fellow Cadets from ASU who were in his Max.

Once he left Phoenix we didn’t have any further communication with him. We just had to hope and assume he made it safely.

And thankfully he did arrive in one piece!

In the video below Eli is the one calling out to his flight. I love that they filmed this!!!
In the pictures below Eli is smiling so big and looks like he’s having a great time! He loves being out doors and challenging himself physically. This is his element!

Eli has made history! He was a part of the 1st flight ever of Space Force Cadets to graduate from Field Training!
Pics below are from after graduation.

Always need to celebrate with a little pizza! So much better than MRE’s! LOL!

That first week was hard on him and us. I kept waking up at 3:00am on the dot every morning with him heavy on my mind. Heartbreaking to hear as his mom but also I’m so grateful for Heavenly Father meeting our son where he was and helped him through this while we were so far apart and not able to be there. His testimony of his Savior grew and he grew as a man as well.
I love that he was able to feel peace and love at church and even though Elder & Sister Gunnell were technically strangers they were family!
Thankfully things got better the 2nd week.
His FTO’s gave him very high praise and said they were glad he was in the first Max. Eli has this incredible mind for thinking outside the box and is able to solve problems and puzzles in ways no one thinks of. He “broke” several of their simulations and were very impressed with his ability to come up with solutions that challenged their thinking and what items they need to take back to the drawing board for future cadets.
We are so proud of him. He’s learned some life long valuable lessons that he probably wouldn’t have learned anywhere else.
After he graduated from FT he took a 3.5 hr bus ride over to Columbus Air Force Base in Mississippi for the Capstone Program he was selected for. The Capstone was a lot more relaxed and not as stressful. He got to hang out with pilots and see what their jobs are like in a normal day.

Sure is green!! Us desert dwellers aren’t used to that much green! π

He got to check out the K-9’s and their vet facilities. He watched those dogs practice their attacks and he shared a clip with us. Those pups are not to be messed with. Yikes!
The Four of Spades Chamber in the pic above is where the video below took place.
He was able to do flight simulations and he said they are very realistic. His pilot turned over the controls to him and said for never flying before in his life Eli did much better than most cadets! Eli said all that physics he’s taken helped him figure some things out. ;P He said it was terrifying and fun!

Below are just some random pics. I don’t really know any details about them.

He had sticker shock when he saw how much a “whole hog” cost! Funny kid!
He had so many stories to share when he got home. I don’t know what I can and can’t share so sadly I won’t be able to post them here. He’s such a great story teller and I’d probably not do them justice anyway. We were all in stitches though. π
He was pulling out his things from his duffle bag and there was a towel that was SOPPING wet. He said things never dried over there. It was hot/humid and he didn’t want to fold laundry so he just used that same nasty wet towel for a MONTH!! Oh heavens…Gross!! We threw it away!
Now that this is behind him he can focus on the next two years. He’s a POC (Professional Officer Course) and things will be a little easier for him. He’ll have some leadership responsibilities but the stress level for certain other aspects at AFROTC will be less.
We couldn’t be more proud of our Cadet! We are just so proud of the man he’s becoming and the spiritual growth he’s had this summer has been everything a parent could want for their child. God is good!