End of Sophomore Year!
Alayna got her yearbook from school and found quite the BIG surprise with a 2 page layout of her and the Varsity volleyball team!
I mean…whaaaatttt!!!!??!!! So cool!!!!!

We were all so thrilled to see her make a big splash in such a special publication that she’ll have for years and years to come! She’s so amazing!
As this school year wraps up there are all sorts of ‘end of the year’ banquets, parties, ceremonies, etc. Her Sports Medicine Club had their end of the year banquet at Mr. Zekes. Her teacher Mrs. Julia is leaving Campo and pursuing another career opportunity. The kids will miss her.

She took time to spotlight each student and I loved what she said about Alayna. The part that really touched my heart as a mom was when she said, “Alayna accepts everyone for who they are and loves everyone.” So, so true!! She has such a warm heart!

After a year in the program, Alayna is also not going to be returning. With school volleyball, her academic load next year, Club volleyball and her desire to get a job, she just won’t have time to commit to it. Sports Med requires a HUGE time commitment. It’s basically like having a job. The kids work/volunteer 15-20 hrs a week.
It’s been a really good experience for her. She has learned so much about sports injuries, health, protocols, and has even been on the other side of things as a patient when she sprained her ankle really bad (in the play-offs) last semester.
She’s been able to see first hand what she wants to pursue as a career in the future. She learned how to be a responsible student-worker and how to juggle a demanding schedule. Life skills that will carry her well into the rest of her life moving forward.
Her Sophomore year is at it’s end! Junior Year here she comes!