Sports Med College Tour Trip
Alayna and her Sports Medicine Club got the opportunity to fly to California and tour a few college campuses and learn more about their programs. They even got to see a baseball team!
Day #1
I’m mostly going to let the pictures and daily recaps from the teacher of the Club explain what happened each day since I wasn’t there. 😉

They were a big group of 27! And of course drawing a picture of The Joker on the plane is a must to pass the time. LOL!

Day #2

Our family is a big fan of Disney! This was a real treat for Alayna to be able to hang out and do a little shopping in Down Town Disney!

She found this Stitch and he’s so soft and his ears are so big! She instantly fell in love and he’s now apart of our family. LOL!

Day #3

She’d been have a bit of rough day and so the afternoon at the beach was just what the doctor ordered. It was the perfect balm for what was ailing her. <3

Lots of tears flowed at the team bonding night. Hard saying goodbye to friends who will be graduating. And of course Stitch awaiting her to cuddle with. haha!
Day #4

This trip had lots of ups and downs for her. This was the first time she’s ever traveled for an extended period of time without Jared or myself. She learned a lot about herself and it gave her a lot to think about. If going away to college is something she really wants to do or not. This was a good life experience for her.