September AFROTC Recap
If you are a mom of boys you know they don’t take pictures, share pictures, or even like posing for pictures. Ha!
So when I get ‘any’ photos of my boys I cherish them. Eli’s AFORTC has a cadet that documents all the activities they do and they get posted on their social media site. I love following along and seeing what he’s been up to. He spends so much of his day there.
I especially love this one!!!!
He looks so handsome in his uniform! 🙂
Below are pics of the different combat trainings, PFA’s (physical fitness assessments), and daily PT’s (physical training) regimens they do.
Eli is in the rear of this formation.
They do a LOT of running, marching, and more running! LOL!
Eli is a busy guy. He typically comes home from school and crashes for several hours. He’s extremely driven and hardworking. When he puts his mind to something he goes after it 100%!
Arnold Air Society has also started where he’s a Trainer this year. He’s really enjoying that! He as a bit of a reputation for high expectations from the candidates he oversees. He’s fair and well respected. He has all the qualities of a good leader. It’s great to see him step so easily into this role of leadership.
It’s hard not to gush about my boy! <3