You know those people who seem to make things look easy. You watch them and think, Gosh…they must just have natural talent. I wish I was like that.
It’s easy for us to see people’s highlights and accomplishments. We rarely see the hours and hours and HOURS of practice, sweat, frustrations, and moments of doubt.
This image sums it up perfectly.

Alayna is a goal setter. She puts in the work and she strives to reach them. Making Varsity was a big goal she made for herself this year. She put in countless hours on the court and left a whole lot of sweat there too!! Ha!
When Coach Nui (he’s the new Varsity coach at Campo this year) announced who made cuts she was over the moon!! And we were too!! She worked her tail off for this!

Just look at that BIG smile she has!!!
She’s one of 2 Sophomores on the team. The rest are Jr’s and Sr’s. They have welcomed her in with open arms and she has instantly made 14 new friends! After tryouts were over the team went out to dinner to celebrate!

Congratulations, Alayna!!! You earned it!
This is going to be a fun season! Let’s go Coyotes!