And So It Begins…..

Walker had his Senior Pictures today!!!!
I don’t really know what’s happening in my life right now. I have so many emotions about my little baby boy growing up on me like this! I blinked and he went from my adorable, sweet hearted, little buddy that used to tell me I was his best friend in the whole wide world…to this grown man who teaches “me” something new everyday! 
The studio makes the kids take certain shots. The one in the tux cracks me up! LOL! We won’t be purchasing that one. These are just the proofs. For the year book we have to choose one of the ones with the gray/green/brown background. 
We are going with SA9 on the bottom right hand corner. It’s the only one without glare on his glasses. Walker isn’t one for taking pictures so retakes were not an option. LOL! He said it was, “good enough”! 😛 
While we were at the studio waiting it hit me like a ton of bricks…this year is a year of first and lasts with this boy of ours. He’s our first to graduate, our first to serve a mission, and go to college. But everything is also our last. The last year of High School, the last time we’ll all be together for all the holidays, etc. It’s very bittersweet!
I just got a reality check sitting there and I started to cry. He looked over at me like, “What is happening here?” Hahaha! I just told him, “I think you are just going to have to get used to it this year. It’s hard seeing your babies grow up!” He leaned over and gave me a great BIG hug! It was the BEST! 🙂 Love this young man of ours so much!!! So proud of him and the person he’s becoming. I love hanging out with him and talking and learning from him everyday! I’m blessed! <3 

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