Music To My Ears

We usually start the kids in piano lessons when they being 1st grade (however I think Walker stared in Kinder). We found out that a Sister in our Ward teaches piano and she’s actually quite accomplished. Over the summer we had talked and she agreed to be Alayna’s teacher. 
Fast forward several months and the week before her lessons were to begin Jared lost his job. I went to talk to her about our situation and was asking her if we could just postpone for a few months until we found work again. She wouldn’t hear it. She said if Alayna is looking forward to starting piano then she would go ahead and just begin with her. 
My heart was so full of gratitude but I couldn’t just accept her offer. I “had” to do something in return. The only thing I could think of was to offer her baked goods in exchange. She happily agreed! 
We’ve had quite a few things hit us the last 2.5 weeks but I can’t tell you how many people have come to help us too. This was just one of those wonderful angels on Earth that God placed in our lives and prompted to serve us in our time of need. I get so emotional when I think about Sis. Durfee’s generosity!
Alayna is LOVING piano!!

This year Walker has been looking for ways to earn extra money so we came up with a plan. It’s not a lot of money, as I mentioned above we are unemployed, but it’s a little bit to help him to learn how to manage finances and save up for things. He is now teaching Eli piano as well as himself. Walker has to keep track of the lessons and prepare for them each week. He gives Eli his assignments, as well as himself.  It’s really working out well! 🙂

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