• Disney Day 2…Let the Magic Begin!

    The 1st thing on our agenda for “Things we never seem to get around to doing”, was Pirate’s Lair on Tom Sawyer Island. You take a raft across the Rivers of America and…

  • Disneyland Summer Vacation 2011!!

    Summer is here and so you know what that means…Summer Vacation Baby!!! 😀 We purchased annual passes to Disneyland in December, and can you believe we haven’t used them since??? Crazy I know!!!We…

  • Father & Son’s Campout

    The boys went to the Ward’s Father & Son’s Campout over the weekend up in Happy Jack. They L-O-V-E to go camping!! Eli took his awesome little camera. Between him and Jared they…

  • “When Heaven Falls to Earth…..

    It Becomes a Garden”- Stouffer Jared has been wanting to plant a garden for years. Last year he bought the wood but never got around to getting the soil. He finally jumped in…

  • Back Again…

    Ever since Jared had his mini episode last Saturday he hasn’t been the same. He’s been extremely fatigued and just can’t seem to get over feeling crummy. This past Saturday his low back…

  • But We Live in AZ!!

    Saturday we went to Eli’s game and the weather has been really kinda crazy. One week it will be 50 degrees out for the high and the next it will be in the…

  • Schools Out!

    This year for Fall Break we stayed in town. We usually go to Disneyland and boy it sure was hard to resist taking our traditional trip. But, I’m trying ‘really’ hard to cut…