• Draw Steel

    Sunday is family day. All the kids come over for Sunday dinner and then we hang out and visit. We’ve started a family campaign that Eli is running. It’s called Draw Steel. It’s…

  • High School Pals

    Walker invited some of his old High School friends over for a game night. Walker got this massive game called Gloomhaven and has been dying to play. By the amount of teasing, laughing,…

  • Eli’s Dungeons & Dragons Project

    Over Christmas break Eli started a pretty big project. He and his friends game about once a week and he DM’s for them. They’ve been using dry erase board maps and things to…

  • Walker’s 14th Bday Party

    It’s been a few weeks since Walker turned 14. July has been so busy with summer schedules we finally were able to get all of his buddies together to celebrate! 🙂 The guys…

  • Game On!

    Last summer Walker invited some friends over to play D & D (Dungeons & Dragons) and he played the role of the D.M. (Dungeon Master). It was a bit of a challenge trying…

  • Passing the “Nerd” Torch….

    Let me start by saying when I met Jared in High School I knew he was a nerd. It was actually one of the biggest qualities about him that drew me to him.…