• Senior Spotlight AFROTC

    Each of the Seniors in Eli’s detachment have been spotlighted each week. This week it was Eli’s turn. I loved the pictures he chose to share! They each show a different side of…

  • February AFROTC Recap

    It’s fun seeing Eli in his element doing his thing! That look on his face is all business. I’m sure this Cadet is getting some great training! 🙂

  • January AFROTC Recap

    Eli participated in the GAFB. The German Armed Forces Proficiency Badge, also known as the “Abzeichen für Leistungen im Truppendienst,”. It is a Bundeswehr (German Armed Forces) decoration awarded to German service members…

  • Draw Steel

    Sunday is family day. All the kids come over for Sunday dinner and then we hang out and visit. We’ve started a family campaign that Eli is running. It’s called Draw Steel. It’s…

  • Ringing in the New Year!

    We welcomed in the New Year with….more volleyball! Hahaha! Alayna has fallen in love with these grass tournaments. It’s been fun to watch her play and the weather outside has been gorgeous! So…

  • AFROTC December Recap

    Eli has been a mentor in AFROTC. This Cadet completed his candidacy with his help. He gifted Eli with this hand painted paddle that represents things about Eli’s interests and hobbies. That’s a…