Eli & Brynne’s Wedding
I can hardly believe we are here! My son got married!!!! My eyes still well up when I think about it and my heart is bursting to the brim with happiness for him.…
Brynne’s Bridal Shower
Our good friend (and Bishop’s wife) volunteered to host Brynne’s Bridal shower at their home. They are such generous and giving people. Their home made a beautiful setting for the evening! We had…
Eli and Brynne Received Their Endowment
Today was a wonderful day! Eli and his fiancé Brynne went through the temple for the first time and received their endowment. (You can learn more about the temple endowment here.) It was…
April AFROTC Recap
Eli’s Det had their annual Dining Out dinner. Aren’t they such a handsome couple?!? Here are a couple of other pics from the month that were posted on their social media page. I’m…
Eli & Brynne’s Engagement Photoshoot
It’s been a very long time since I’ve done a photoshoot. In fact, I recently sold my camera because it was so old. However, Eli has been bitten by the photography bug and…
Winter Formal
Alayna went to her first Winter Formal with the girls! Brynne came over to help Hannah and Alayna do their hair. She’s so talented! The girls met up at the Epicenter at Agritopia…
Christmas in Ireland
Eli & Brynne traveled to Ireland for Christmas Break with her brother, sister-in-law, and sister. Yes, I’m very jealous!! 😛 They spent 10 days traveling all over the country. They saw some BEAUTIFUL…
Alayna’s 1st Homecoming Dance
Alayna got a group of friends together and planned a fun Homecoming night for everyone. She’s really becoming quite the social butterfly! ❤️ Brynne came over beforehand and helped do her hair. Brynne…
Dining Out- AFROTC
Dining out is an event for AFROTC Cadets, Cadre, their families, and special guests. It is an annual banquet held every spring to celebrate the detachment and present awards to outstanding Cadets. Eli…