Alayna’s Senior Trip – Day 3 Disneyland & DCA
Our last day! And it was a wet one! But that didn’t stop us from living our best lives! This day was all about hitting all the rides we wanted to do one,…
Alayna’s Senior Trip – Day 3 California Adventure
One of the biggest hacks for parking at Disneyland is to park at the Toy Story parking lot. It’s close, they have buses that take you to the Park, and you bypass everyone…
Alayna’s Senior Trip – Day 2 Disneyland
We got up bright and early to make it to the Parks as close to opening as possible. The forecast for the day said it was going to be beautiful and sunny! We…
Spring Break – Alayna’s Senior Trip – Day 1 Huntington Beach
The day finally arrived and we were all so excited to celebrate Alayna! Eli, Brynne and Walker drove together and the three of us drove separately. Times like these I REALLY miss Big…
Draw Steel
Sunday is family day. All the kids come over for Sunday dinner and then we hang out and visit. We’ve started a family campaign that Eli is running. It’s called Draw Steel. It’s…
Merry Christmas!
Christmas morning was quiet. I had to take some pictures of all the hard work it takes to decorate for the holiday before the mayhem began. 🙂 We had a beautiful Christmas service…
Christmas Eve!
As traditions continue we celebrated Christmas Eve over at my Mom & Dad’s. We had pizza, Grandma Donher’s punch, and lots of sweet goodies. The kids played games and even threw in a…
Happy 18th Birthday, Alayna!
Happy birthday, Alayna!! 💐❤️🎂 The baby of the family, our baby girl, isn’t a baby anymore! Alayna turned 18 and is now officially an adult! GULP!!!! Just look at the beautiful young woman…
Family Room Update
It’s been faaarrr too long since we took family pictures and updated the kids’ pictures in our family room. These photos were taken on our family vacation back in March of 2019! I…
West Fork Trail
Alayna, Eli, Brynne and Embrie drove up to West Fork Trail for a fall hike. I’ve been wanting to go with them but sadly I came down with this terrible bug going around.…