Good Morning Sunshine!
I had to drive Alayna to school extra early this morning to take a makeup test. She’s had a LOT of doctor appointments recently. We’re still trying to figure out what is causing…
November Gratitude Posts
Yesterday was the 1st day of November. November is my favorite month! The weather starts to cool down, the air feels crisp, and it fills my soul!!! And to top it off, Thanksgiving…
George of the Jungle!!
Do you remember that cartoon from when we were kids called “George of the Jungle”? It was sort of like Tarzan but he was really clumsy and in the theme song goes, “George,…
Disney Trip Summer 2015 – Day 2
The next day we were planning to go to the beach. We had promised Alayna we would go but when we went to the parking garage and started the van…it wouldn’t start. (Remember…
All Things Will Be For Thy Good…..
The past 15 months has been a period of time in our lives that we as a family have been tested and tried to such a degree we felt at times we wouldn’t…