• Senior Spotlight AFROTC

    Each of the Seniors in Eli’s detachment have been spotlighted each week. This week it was Eli’s turn. I loved the pictures he chose to share! They each show a different side of…

  • AFROTC December Recap

    Eli has been a mentor in AFROTC. This Cadet completed his candidacy with his help. He gifted Eli with this hand painted paddle that represents things about Eli’s interests and hobbies. That’s a…

  • November AFROTC Recap

    November was a busy month for Air Force. Eli continues to make us so proud! See if you can spot him in some of the pictures his Det posted on their social media…

  • October AFROTC Recap

    Eli didn’t appear in many posts for his Det this month. But we did spy him on the sidelines encouraging his fellow Cadets as they complete their Midterm PFA. (Eli is on the…

  • We Have Two Seniors!

    We have two Seniors this year. One in high school and it’s also this handsome guy’s senior year of college! 🔱🚀 Eli is wrapping up his time at ASU and he couldn’t be…

  • April AFROTC Recap

    Eli’s Det had their annual Dining Out dinner. Aren’t they such a handsome couple?!? Here are a couple of other pics from the month that were posted on their social media page. I’m…

  • February AFROTC Recap

    Here are some shots of C/Kitch doing what he does in AFROTC! 😍😉 He’s always the life of the party! Love seeing him having fun in college and making lifelong friends!

  • AFROTC December Recap

    Eli’s Det has been making headlines! ASU is very ROTC friendly and fully supports all the units. It’s really cool that the AFROTC is shining bright. I know these young men and women…

  • November AFROTC Recap

    Eli got his Dress Blues! This is a momentous day! Doesn’t it look so nice!?!! His uniform has the Space Force emblems on it as well. I asked for a picture but you…

  • October AFROTC Recap

    Eli training Cadets who are trying to earn a spot in Arnold Air. His Det. also had Dining-In which was Halloween themed. He wore one of Jared’s outfits and he looked SO handsome!…