• Can We Get Off The Party Bus?

    It’s a never ending party around here! Celebrated Eli’s bday yesterday and someone gave him strep throat as a present today!!! We are ready to get off the party bus! Poor kid has…

  • We Will Stand Together!

    Alayna is our little note giver. She loves to give each of us little pictures or sweet words of love. It’s one of the things I love about her. She’s so thoughtful!! The…

  • Student of the Week!

    Alayna is Student of the Week this week in her class! 🙂 Usually the teachers send home a pre-formatted poster the kids fill in and add pictures to. This year her teacher has…

  • Happy Easter!!

    Happy Easter! I love this time of year! The cold winter is behind us and everything is beginning to bloom. The winter blues subside and I start to feel rejuvenated and ready to…

  • Our Gardener

    We usually have cats claw growing on our front porch. About once a year we have to cut it down to the ground so it doesn’t over take the entire house! LOL!  This…

  • 007

    Last night Eli invited a couple of friends over to hang out. They then hatched a plan to invite a few more friends over to play 007. Somehow Jared and I got wrangled…

  • What a Beauty!!!

    Alayna was cleaning out her backpack this morning and casually hands me her school pictures. Not totally sure how long she’s had them in there…LOL! I took them and looked at them and…

  • Spring Break Part 2!

    Saturday came and I couldn’t believe the week was gone! We hadn’t really done anything “actually” fun and I was going stir crazy being cooped up in the house for months. So we…

  • The Kitch Plague of 2016

    I’ve officially decreed we must have the Kitch Plague of 2016! Seriously! This has got to stop. Why are we so sick this year? We’re never sick…at least not to this magnitude where…

  • About Sums It Up

     We were having scripture time and the moment just struck me how everyone’s expressions summed up the past few months.  Walker is always trying to be cheerful even when he’s not well while…