• Date Night

    Jared took Alayna out for Date Night over the weekend! They went to Texas Roadhouse at her request and then to As You Wish to paint some pottery. Her most favorite thing to…

  • Back to School 2016-2017!

    Today the kids went back to school!!!  Summer flew by! About 2 weeks ago I got an email from the district saying school was going to start and it stopped me in my…

  • Our Summer….

    This summer won’t go down in the books as the most fun one we’ve ever had. I have been recovering all summer which has left the kids with not much to do. This…

  • Miracles

    Do you believe in miracles??? I do!!!   We got the test results back for all 3 kids and Jared and they are all negative!! I don’t know how Jared didn’t get it. He was…

  • Championships!

     Alayna had her Championship Meet on Tuesday!   Her 1st race was the 50 meter Breaststroke. I didn’t have a very good angle for pics. But she’s the 2nd one from the right. 😛…

  • Prelims 2016!!

    Alayna’s Prelims were Thursday afternoon and it was a scorcher!!!!! We did what we could to make the best of things but July in AZ just feels like scorched Earth!!! LOL!! Walker wasn’t…

  • Happy Sweet 16!!!!

    Sixteen years ago our little baby boy came into our lives. No matter where we went people were drawn to him. He was so happy all the time. He was calm and sweet…

  • 100 Meter Freestyle

    Tonight was Alayna’s last regular swim meet of the season! Next week is Prelims and if she qualifies there she will be able to compete in the Championships!  Waiting for her group to…

  • Learning New Skills

    At the end of the school year Alayna and I hatched a plan. She wanted to learn how to sew but because of all the crazy stuff in June we haven’t had a…

  • Swim Safety- Activity Days

    Last week the Activity Day Girls met at Sis. Esperson’s home for some swim safety instruction. Sis. Williams taught the girls all about being safe around water, taking care of your skin in…