Happy Halloween!
Happy Halloween!!! Alayna’s class had their Halloween Party at school on Friday. I love that her teacher sends so many pictures from all the things they do! <3 I especially loved this!!! How…
Fall Break-2016
We had a low key Fall Break this year. Alayna, Eli and I were sick most of it. We did have the chance to go out together as family to eat lunch a…
General Conference
We had General Conference over the weekend. I love this time of year. I always learn so much from our Prophet, Apostles and other speakers. This year in particular I was looking forward…
Fall School Pictures- 2016
School pictures are trickling in. There was a mishap with the boys so I’ll post those when then come back in. For now we only have Alayna’s. Isn’t she growing into a beautiful…
Primary Program 2016
It’s that time of year again! The Primary Program for our Ward was Sunday. All of the Primary age children ages 3-11 years old put on a Program during Sacrament Meeting each year.…
Big Decision!!!!
Hair seems to be a constant struggle with this one! We have the hardest time with the tangles and dryness that is innate with curly hair. Last week we just couldn’t seem to…
Pillow Fight!!!!
The other night Jared and Alayna got into pillow fight. It was cracking me up. Jared wasn’t’ holding back AT ALL! Poor girl was getting pummeled!!! She did get a few good whacks…
Don’t Be Late For a Very Important Date!
Saturday was a busy day for us. Walker had Hoco, Jared’s sister Julie came to town, and Alayna had a Stake Activity Day activity!! The activity was themed Alice in Wonderland. It was…
4th Grade Adventures!
Alayna’s teacher has a neat app she uses to keep in touch with the parents in her class. She posts pictures and newsletters anything really that she wants to share. This week she…
Hello World!
For the past couple of weeks Alayna has been complaining about not being able to see the white boards at school so well. I finally got her in to see the eye doctor…