• Trunk-or-Treat

    We had our Ward Trunk-or-Treat! 🎃  Jared was out of town for a wedding so it was just me and the kids this year. Eli went as an Angsty Teenager with a pretty…

  • Mural Project

    Every month Alayna is required to read a book and do project that’s due on the last day of that month. This month she had to do a mural on “The Boxcar Children”.…

  • Flashback to 2013

    Flashback: Eli age 10. Alayna age 6. Eli: I’m sad you and dad can’t come on my field-trip today. Me: We are too. Alayna: You know..sometimes I don’t get sad when mom &…

  • Run Club

    Have I mentioned that Alayna is our little joiner! If there is a club or activity she can join…she’s the first in line to sign up! 😛 Love that about her! She’s not…

  • Family Temple Day- October!

    We went to the Mesa Temple for our monthly temple visit! I think we are getting pretty good at the family selfie! LOL!  I love the gardens there. I can’t get enough of…

  • Battle of the Books- Round 1

    Alayna had her 1st Battle of the Books Competition today! She was really excited and she was chosen by her teammates as the spokes person for their group.  Her team has been working…

  • No More Pinkie Pie!

    It’s time….. We died Alayna’s hair over the summer and it’s pretty grown out, faded and time to go back to her old brunette self! 🙂  Luckily we have a great friend that…

  • Harry Potter- Phoenix Symphony

    A few months ago I saw that the Phoenix Symphony was going to be performing all of the music from  Harry Potter-  “Sorcerer’s Stone” book. Alayna is a HUGE fan of Harry Potter.…

  • Volleyball Playoff Champions!!!!

     Alayna’s playoff games were on Saturday and Team Ice came to play!!!! They won their 1st two games against Havoc and then they won their next two games against the Tornadoes! The last…

  • Fall Pictures

    Fall pictures have arrived! This beauty continues to blow us away with her whit, kindness, smarts, artistic ability and athleticism!  Love you Laney!