• Piano Recital 2016

    Sorry for the long break from blogging. I was really sick and ended up in the E.R. the next morning after this picture was taken. More on that later….. Back on May 31st,…

  • Early 40th Birthday Celebration!!!

    Someone is turning 40!!!!!! What the what?!?!!!!! Next Friday is Jared’s 40th Birthday! How is this possible? We met when he was 17! In a lot of ways I feel like we are…

  • Swim Meet- Freestyle 50 & Relay

    Alayna had her 1st swim meet last night! She was super excited!!! She swam the 50 freestyle and then the 50 relay! 🙂 She the blurry one all the way to the right!…

  • Eli’s Golden Scholar

    Eli had his Golden Scholar Ceremony yesterday!  He’s had an extremely tough year with being out sick for 57 days of instruction! Yep you read that right! He’s missed almost 2 months of…

  • “The Fox and the Cheese Queen”

    Alayna’s class had a Reader’s Theater yesterday. We got an official invite and everything! This was legit people! 😛   She’s only been talking about it for 2 weeks non-stop. I’m not totally…

  • Rough Year!!!!

    7th grade has not been kind to Eli. 🙁 He’s been battling his chronic IBS and he’s missed so much school, scouts, and church activities because of it,  it’s really becoming a BUMMER! …

  • The Goddess of Love

     This girl still continues to amaze me with her talent!!! Alayna brought this project home that she did in school. It is all about Aphrodite. They’ve been learning about Greek Mythology. 🙂  When…

  • Character Counts Assembly

    The school year is winding down and with that comes lots of award ceremonies. Yesterday was Alayna’s Character Counts Assembly. The kids are recognized for a variety of academic achievements and examples of…

  • Tin Art

    Have I mentioned Alayna loves art? LOL! Maybe once or twice….or a 100 times?? 😛 I was at her school earlier today (more on that later) and asked her if she wanted to…

  • Sixteen Years….

    It was 8 years ago today Jared was officially diagnosed with MS (Multiple Sclerosis) but had been having episodes for 8 years prior to that. (It had just been misdiagnosed before then.) Nothing…