• General Conference

    We had General Conference over the weekend. I love this time of year. I always learn so much from our Prophet, Apostles and other speakers. This year in particular I was looking forward…

  • Fall School Pictures- 2016

    School pictures are trickling in. There was a mishap with the boys so I’ll post those when then come back in. For now we only have Alayna’s. Isn’t she growing into a beautiful…

  • Naturopath

    I’ve been struggling with some emotional things since being in the ICU this summer. I’ve been seeing a counselor and she has said that I have PTSD and anxiety. I’ve always struggled with…

  • Evening in Excellence

     I’ve been in Young Women’s now for a year at the end of October. It’s hard to believe! Last week we had our Evening in Excellence program. It’s a time for the girls…

  • Primary Program 2016

    It’s that time of year again! The Primary Program for our Ward was Sunday. All of the Primary age children ages 3-11 years old put on a Program during Sacrament Meeting each year.…

  • Big Decision!!!!

    Hair seems to be a constant struggle with this one! We have the hardest time with the tangles and dryness that is innate with curly hair. Last week we just couldn’t seem to…

  • Pillow Fight!!!!

    The other night Jared and Alayna got into pillow fight. It was cracking me up. Jared wasn’t’ holding back AT ALL! Poor girl was getting pummeled!!! She did get a few good whacks…

  • Don’t Be Late For a Very Important Date!

    Saturday was a busy day for us. Walker had Hoco, Jared’s sister Julie came to town, and Alayna had a Stake Activity Day activity!! The activity was themed Alice in Wonderland. It was…

  • Homecoming 2016

    Let me catch you up on a few things. I posted about Walker asking Janee to Hoco (that’s what the cool kids call it these days 😛 ) she loved it and was…