• February Family Temple Day!

    Since it’s February I thought it would be fun to do a little “loving service” for the patrons that came to the Temple that day.  I made these little heart notes and we…

  • Eli’s IMPACT Test

    Eli had his IMPACT test today. They took him back to a room with a computer that tests what kind of impact/effect the concussion is having on his cognitive function. He needed to…

  • Who Did This????

    I was turning out the lights in the living room and I noticed something on the wall. I took a closer look and it kind of looked like chocolate milk.  I of course…

  • Nice Shot!

    We were getting ready for bed tonight and Alayna was throwing her “blankie” around. Which is really a sarong I got when we went to Hawaii a few years ago. 😛  She flipped…

  • You Get Credit For Trying…

    Eli tried to go back to school today. I took him an hour late so he didn’t have to go to band. Two hours into his day I got a text saying he…

  • Concussion Specialist

    Eli had his appointment with the concussion specialist in Phoenix this morning. He got his history and cause of the injury etc. and ran him through some tests.  They don’t like to put…

  • Wind Caves

    Monday was MLK Day. Walker called up his friends and put together a day hike. Love that he puts himself out there and organizes things.  The weather has been beautiful lately and he…

  • Car Accidents Stink!

    Eli has been having a persistent headache since the accident along with lots of soreness in his back, neck and arm. I decided I better get him checked out to be safe.  I’m…

  • Pulmanologist Follow Up

    We had Walker’s follow-up with Dr. Panesar (the pulmanologist). They retested him for asthma. I got a picture of it this time. 🙂 It’s a fun little test where you blow into a…

  • Dreaded Phone Call….

    Nothing gets your heart pumping as a mom like getting a phone call from your son saying, “Mom we’ve been in a car accident!” I asked him if he was ok he said…