• Walker Bought A Car!

    We made a deal with the kids that if they would come up with a portion we agreed upon for a car we’d pay a portion of the car’s price as well. Walker…

  • Eli’s End of The Year Band Concert

    Eli had his final band concert of the year!  He always puts his stand SO high we can never see him! He’s the one in the center ducking under his stand…such a goof-ball!…

  • Eli’s Disneyland Band Trip

    Friday Eli and the 8th grade band, orchestra, advanced drama, and advanced choir went to Disney to do a music workshop over the weekend. This is such a fun trip the kids get…

  • Mother Daughter Activity!

    Alayna is in Activity Days and they have a really neat tradition each May. They invite all of the girls to bring a talent or accomplishment they have achieved that year and bring…

  • Happy 74th Birthday Mamaw

    Jared’s mom is doing better. She’s still getting her strength back but each day she is getting more and more back to herself. We are so thankful!!! Yesterday was her 74th birthday! It…

  • Sibling Love

    I love when I check Jared’s phone and find little gems like this on there! 🙂  Walker and Alayna are 6 years apart. They don’t typically hang out or have a lot of…

  • Eli Ordained a Teacher

    Before church Eli decided he wanted to make dinner. He wanted to make chicken fettuccine alfredo in fact. I was rushing around and I thought that would be awesome to get a little…

  • Girls Weekend!!

    Every year the boys go camping at the Father and Son’s Campout and that leaves Alayna and I home to play and paint the town red together!!! 🙂 However, this year the boys’…

  • Jared’s MRI Results

    Jared went to the neurologist in March and had an MRI on Tuesday. His last one was done at the end of 2012. We just got the results back yesterday and unfortunately it’s…

  • Walker’s Golden Scholar Ceremony

    Walker had his Academic Ceremony today. This year makes 8 consecutive years he’s qualified!!! We are so proud of his hard work!!! <3 <3  That’s no small accomplishment! He carried a heavy academic…