• Mesquite HS Homecoming Game

    Eli is a ladies man! 😛 All of his best friends are girls. I’m not complaining. It will benefit him when he gets married one day to have all this experience on how…

  • She’s a Beauty!

    Today is picture day for this girl. Last night she asked me if I would curl her hair for the occasion. I of course was pleased as punch she asked to me to!…

  • Date Night Selfie

    It’s pretty rare that Jared and I get the chance to go out with friends for a date night. But we had some friends ask us to go out for a double date…

  • Refrigerator Pickles

    I recently had several pounds of cucumbers stashed in the fridge. They needed to get eaten and fast. Jared has a slight obsession and goal in life to make his own pickles.  He…

  • Getting Sick is the Pits!!!

    Friday afternoon I got a call from Alayna from school. She was in tears. I asked her what was wrong? She asked me to come pick her up, she really wasn’t feeling well. …

  • Sunday Traditions

    Sundays are chocolate chip cookie day in our house!  Eli loves to bake!  We love that he loves to bake! 😛  This has quickly become a Sunday tradition around here! <3 <3  Thankful…

  • Flashback to 2011

    Flashback: Alayna 4 years old. Me: “Alayna soap up in the tub” Alayna: “Is this tear free?” Me: “Yes” Alayna: ” Oh man!!!! I got it up my nose!” Me: “You’ll be ok.”…

  • Canyon Lake

    The YM & YW planned a fun activity to go to Canyon Lake for the day. They had to get to the church bright and early at 5 am sharp!  Eli didn’t make…