• No More Pinkie Pie!

    It’s time….. We died Alayna’s hair over the summer and it’s pretty grown out, faded and time to go back to her old brunette self! 🙂  Luckily we have a great friend that…

  • Harry Potter- Phoenix Symphony

    A few months ago I saw that the Phoenix Symphony was going to be performing all of the music from  Harry Potter-  “Sorcerer’s Stone” book. Alayna is a HUGE fan of Harry Potter.…

  • Volleyball Playoff Champions!!!!

     Alayna’s playoff games were on Saturday and Team Ice came to play!!!! They won their 1st two games against Havoc and then they won their next two games against the Tornadoes! The last…

  • Septoplasty, Turbinate Reduction, Adenoidectomy!

    On Thursday the 5th,  Walker went in for surgery. He had his deviated septum fixed and reduced the turbinates inside his nose. They call the procedure a “Septoplasty with bilateral endocsopic KTP laser/submucous…

  • Fall Pictures

    Fall pictures have arrived! This beauty continues to blow us away with her whit, kindness, smarts, artistic ability and athleticism!  Love you Laney!

  • Eli’s 1st High School Band Concert

    We had the privilege of attending Eli’s 1st HS Band Concert. It was a real treat! Those HS kids can really play!!! All those years have finally paid off! 🙂  Eli’s teacher told…

  • Family Time

    Julie came to town. It seems the only time we get together anymore is when someone comes from out of town.  It was also her bday recently. We were all standing a “little”…

  • General Conference Weekend

    One of my very favorite times of the year is General Conference!!! It fills my mind, body and spirit with so much goodness!!  This Conference landed on the same weekend as Walker’s Homecoming…

  • Walker’s Sr. Homecoming!

     Walker had his Senior Homecoming on Saturday! This year it landed on General Conference weekend so it made planning a bit tricky, but everything ended up working out. 🙂  He went with a…

  • Family Temple Day- September!

    The month “almost” got away from us! But we squeezed in a temple day on the very last day of the month! 😛  It’s General Conference weekend so the Temple is closed. We…