• Arnold Air Graduate!

    Eli just completed an intense 10 week training program for The Arnold Air Society in the Tex May Squadron. The Squadron started with 28 cadets and 9 graduated. The mental and physical requirements…

  • Dining Out- AFROTC

    Dining out is an event for AFROTC Cadets, Cadre, their families, and special guests. It is an annual banquet held every spring to celebrate the detachment and present awards to outstanding Cadets. Eli…

  • Spring Cleaning 2022

    I don’t know what’s gotten into me this year. I typically do spring cleaning but this year I got a bug to get into some serious deep cleaning/organizing. It’s been a daily charge…

  • March Volleyball Madness!

    March was a very busy month for volleyball! Alayna went to Salt Lake City for her travel tournament. Jared and Alayna squeezed in a quick visit up to Tremonton to see his dad…

  • Cadet of the Month!

    So proud of Eli being selected as Cadet of the Month!!! He had told us that he was selected for the interview process about a week ago and was sharing some the proceedings…

  • Sandström Farms

    My oldest, dearest, and sweetest friend (BFF’s since 6th grade actually 🙂 ) and her family have a beautiful little farm in Coolidge, AZ. They bring their delicious organically grown ancient grain oats…

  • Walker is Graduating from ASU!

    I can’t hardly believe we are here! Walker will be graduating in just 2 months! Time is a thief!!! He will earn a Bachelors in Religious Studies and in Philosophy. He also plans…

  • Triple Crown Tournament

    Alayna had her first travel tournament. It was held in Kansas City, Missouri. She was so excited to go. The forecast for a while was saying the high’s were going to be in…

  • The Best Review!!

    Walker shared this feedback he got from his boss from one of his students! He’s been tutoring students for about a year and he’s definitely got a gift for it! All of his…