• Back to School 2009!

    It’s back to school today! Walker started the 4th grade with Mrs. Bennar and Eli started the 1st grade with Mrs. Smith! They were both excited to be going back. They were starting…

  • My Girl!!!

    The past few weeks I’ve been watching my baby girl Alayna grow right before my eyes. She’s only 2 1/2 but she seems be learning new things at such a fast pace I’m…

  • The Devil!

    I’ve lived in AZ all of my life..well all but maybe 2-3 yrs of it. I’ve heard people tell me AZ is infested with scorpions and to watch out for these pests and…

  • Oh Baby!!

    I have a baby shower to go to on Saturday for some friends of ours The Wright’s. They just adopted 2 little girls that are only about 3 weeks apart in age. The…

  • Greer!

    We got invited last minute to go with our friends up to Greer for the weekend and we couldn’t say no! The valley was going to get up to 116 degrees and the…

  • De-lish!

    So yesterday I was having a major hankerin‘ for some homemade chocolate chip cookies. I posted a little update on my Face Book page and to my delight and surprise one of my…

  • Happy 9th Birthday Walker!

    Happy Birthday Walk-a-doo! It’s hard to believe just 9 years ago you were born. Dad and I waited a long time to start a family, and even wondered at times if we would…

  • We Almost Died!!!

    July 10th-16 we went to Texas for Jared’s family reunion….The Taylor Family Reunion. We had flown into Austin, and it’s about a 3.5 hr. drive from there to where Jared’s parents live on…

  • Howdy Y’all!!

    We went to Texas for The Taylor Family Reunion from June 10th-16th. Jared’s Mom and Step-Dad have retired on the farm in Vandyke that her parents worked as peanut farmers and where she…

  • WHAT !?!

    News update…..As most of you know I’ve been serving in my ward’s Primary Presidency as the Secretary for the past 6-7 years..That’s right…you heard me…crazy huh?! I’ve served with 3 different Presidents. I…