• Homesick… :P

    I came across this photo while reading one of my Disney blog sites….There are times I see a photo and “WISH” I was the one behind the camera taking the shot. This is…

  • WooHooo!!

    We are sooo EXCITED!!! When Walker was 16 months old he fell and knocked his front tooth out. Here is a pic of him the next month after it had happened… Time went…

  • Who, Me?

    As most of you know I was called into the R.S. Presidency last June. It has been a wonderful experience! I love going out into the women’s homes and visiting them, and getting…

  • Hair!

    When I think of hair. I think of “Hair”…you know the musical. 😛 Hair! (hair, hair, hair, hair, hair, hair)Flow it, show it;Long as God can grow it, My Hair! … LOL!!! 😛…

  • To Shine for Him Each Day!!

    Jesus wants Alayna for a Sunbeam!!! 🙂 Today was her 1st day of class. She was pretty nervous at the beginning. I had to sit with her through out Sharing Time. However, by…

  • It’s that time…

    I’m sitting here on New Year’s Eve thinking about resolutions. Being a type “A” personality I really enjoy setting goals. I know most people think that’s a bit nuts..but what can I say??…

  • ‘Tis the Season…

    ‘Tis the season for fun, food, and family! This was our 3rd day of Christmas celebrations with our families. Jared’s side of the family had some members that had to work on Christmas…

  • Christmas Joy!

    I love seeing the joy on my children’s faces as they anxiously open gifts from Santa! We had a very simple Christmas this year. And yet, I feel this was the BEST one…

  • Tradition..

    Since I was a little girl we use to go to my Grandma’s house on Christmas Eve and open gifts and spend time with our family. Since her passing several years ago, my…