• September Volleyball Recap- A BUSY Month!

    Volleyball kept us all very busy this month. Alayna had 12 games plus a 2-Day Tournament over Labor Day Weekend! Whew! And she earned herself this little award! <3 Vs Mesquite House of…

  • Alayna’s 1st Homecoming Dance

    Alayna got a group of friends together and planned a fun Homecoming night for everyone. She’s really becoming quite the social butterfly! ❤️ Brynne came over beforehand and helped do her hair. Brynne…

  • Homecoming Game + Sports Med 50/50 Raffle

    Alayna worked the Homecoming game for Sports Med. This is the biggest fundraising even they do all year. The students all take a shift (with a parent) and sell raffle tickets. All the…

  • Sophomore

    Alayna forgot it was picture day and wore her Green Day shirt to school….classic!!! Thankfully you can’t see the bottom of the shirt (where it says Dookie). Hahaha!!! Otherwise, she looks beautiful…as always!…

  • Labor Day Weekend

    Jonita and Nicole came from Texas over Labor Day weekend for a quick visit. Now that Jared’s mom and pop live here we are seeing a lot more of them! 🙂 As the…

  • August Volleyball Recap

    School is back in full swing and volleyball is too!! Varsity is a whole different beast compared to the Freshman team she was on last year. They have lots of team bonding activities,…

  • Answers to Prayer

    I wanted to share the talk I gave in sacrament meeting today. This was one of the most difficult talks I’ve written and even more difficult to share. I sobbed the whole way…

  • Big Bro Is the Best!

    It seems that math is a tough subject. Walker has been tutoring students for over a year now and 99% of them request his services to help in math. So, it’s really handy…

  • With a Heavy Heart…

    I got a message from my best friend, AnnMarie, the other day. She told me she couldn’t tell me in person because she’d already been crying and she knew if she told me…

  • Heading Into Sophomore Year!

    Eli’s back at ASU! He’s not one to let me take pictures of him so I snuck this one the night before school started. What I love so much about this is that…