• Good Bye Summer!

    On Saturday we decided to celebrate as a family and say “Good Bye Summer”! πŸ™‚ We had breakfast at a place we saw on the Food Network Channel on a show called Diners,…

  • The Adventure Continues…

    Tuesday, July 27th Our last day….. We hadn’t made our way to upper New York area so that’s what we did for our last day. It took us up and around the Upper…

  • Sexy Spin!

    Monday, July 26th Happy 13th Anniversary!!! Unfortunately, it started out a bit rough…Maybe because it was our 13th anniversary…lol. Jared and I got up early to get a head start on the day…

  • Better Luck Next Time!!

    Sunday July, 25th We slept soooo well that night!! πŸ™‚ Which led to a much better day for moods and energy. We started out the day at this kitschy diner called Ellen’s Stardust…

  • NYC!!

    Saturday, July 24th Jared and I have never taken a red-eye before. I knew I wasn’t going to sleep very well unless I took something so I did but…it didn’t help. Usually, Jared…

  • 40 Years and Counting

    My parents’ 40th Anniversary! In this day and age that’s almost unheard of. They are a great example to me of no matter what life throws at you…you never give up. πŸ™‚ They…

  • Mamaw is Coming to Town!

    Friday, July 23rd If it sounds a little like “Santa Clause is Coming to Town” it should…they are very similar in so many ways! πŸ™‚ Jared and I have never really taken a…

  • Mohawk

    Walker was due for a hair cut and since it’s summer Jared has had the privelege of buzzing the boys’ hair. It’s free and it’s hot so it’s win win! πŸ˜› This time…

  • Double Digits!

    On July 1st my little boy, who isn’t quite so little anymore, turned 10!! The big one zero…a whole decade old!! I have no idea where the time has gone. It feels like…

  • Alayna’s 1st Dental Visit

    Little Miss had her 1st dental visit today. It was REALLY cute hearing Walker and Eli in the van telling Alayna not to be afraid and that the dentist is really nice. They…