• Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep….

    A few nights ago we were having family prayer before bedtime, as we do every night. I guess Alayna was just too tired to make it to the end! LOL! Isn’t she precious???…

  • Full of ‘Pride’! :)

    A few weeks ago we had parent teacher conferences with the boys’ teachers. Both of their teachers couldn’t stop gushing over how awesome they thought they were and then, just the other day,…

  • Alayna Ballerina!!!

    This Fall I asked Alayna what class she’d like to take through The Town of Gilbert Parks and Rec. She LOVES art and she usually asks to take a class that involves making…

  • Halloween Extravaganza!!

    This year we had 3, count ’em 3 Halloween events to go to! By the time Halloween actually came I’ll admit I was Halloweened out..but we pushed forward and went Trick-Or-Treating any way! …

  • Joy School Halloween Party!

    Today Alayna had her Joy School Halloween Party! The 1st of ‘many’ celebrations this year. We have back, to back, to back parties this year!! Alayna really wanted to be Dorothy, but time…

  • Bike Rodeo

    Last night Eli’s Cub Scout Pack had a Bike Rodeo. They had the police department, fire department, and a trick/stunt bike rider dude come out and talk to the kids about bike safety.…

  • You Are Super Cool To Me!

    We woke up this morning and found this letter from Eli to Walker on the counter…. Makes your heart swell doesn’t it???? I’m so blessed that my kids get along so well and…

  • Disneyland- Fall Break 2011!!!

    It was Fall Break and you know what that means!!! Disneyland!!! We’ve gone twice already this year but since we had annual passes we wanted to make sure we got the most bang…

  • Gratitude…

    Yesterday I was driving the boys to school and I’m watching them in the back seat in my rear view mirror. Alayna and Eli were sitting next to each other in the ‘way…

  • I’m Your Biggest Fan!

    It’s no secret we love Disney in our house. So when we found out that you could write to your favorite Disney character and they would send you something back we HAD to…