• Funny Find…

    Alayna had asked to watch a movie in my bedroom. I went in to check on her and this is what I found….. How does she fit in there? LOL!!! 😛 And yes,…

  • On the Road Again!

    Monday morning came too soon! The week just seemed to fly by. It was so nice to see Jared’s Mom and Rich and be in the country for a while. I think I…

  • Happy New Year!!!

    New Year’s Eve was fun for the kids. They stayed up til 12am New York time when the ball dropped. They toasted in the new year with sparkling apple cider and their Mamaw…

  • A Little Squeeze!

    The next morning we were all up and ready to make fresh squeezed orange juice! Eli learned how to use a kitchen knife with out cutting himself. 🙂 He worked as fast as…

  • Come and Sit a Spell

    On the 4th day, we sat around and took it slow….. We just visited and relaxed all day.  It was perfect!!

  • Where the Wild Things Are…

    There is a really cool place about an hour and half drive out from where Jared’s Mom and Rich live. It’s called Fossil Rim. It’s a wildlife preserve you drive your car through…

  • The Country Life!

    The kids just couldn’t get enough nature walks in each day! On one of their excursions they found a butterfly and caught it. They brought it home and we put it in a…

  • Make Room…We’re Comin’ !

    We decided to go visit Jared’s Mom and Step-Dad in Texas. I’ve been thinking about them a lot lately and felt like we should go pay them a visit. 🙂 We were going…

  • Christmas!!

    This year we have 8 a.m. church. So even though Santa came and the kids REALLY wanted to open their presents right away, they had to get ready for church and do their…

  • Christmas Eve

    The Christmas Eve tradition at Grandma and Grandpa’s continued for another year. 🙂 My mom LOVES Christmas. It is ‘her’ holiday, and we love to make her happy by gathering together at her…