• Happy Birthday Daddy!

    It happened…another year came and went and yesterday Jared turned ….37!  Wowzers!!! I can’t believe this is true! 😛 In celebration we made him a few treats to celebrate.  I made him homemade…

  • Happy Memorial Day!

    Happy Memorial Day from Scout Troop 789 & The Kitch’s! Ya he has pool hair to boot! 😛

  • Golden Scholars….We Made It To The End!!!

    The past couple of weeks have jam packed full of end of the year concerts, ceremonies, graduations, and awards!!! Jared and I have felt like we’ve been in a whirlwind between the three…

  • Peace Helper Award

    Eli has been working hard all year as a Peace Helper for his school. Today he was given an award for all his efforts!  Peace Helpers is a really neat organization they have…

  • Good Bye Kindergarten!

    Today Alayna had her Kindergarten Graduation Program! She had all sorts of fun things to show us when we got there! She was so excited Daddy could make it to her special day!…

  • National Junior Honor Society

     Junior High brings lot of exciting things you can be a part of. This year Walker and any student that had a 3.8 G.P.A. or higher received a letter informing them that they…

  • Navajo Hogan- Arizona Day

    Today Eli’s class celebrated Arizona day by making Navajo Hogans and learning about the Navajo people.  We spent a couple of nights putting his display together and we were pretty happy with how…

  • Walker’s End of the Year Band Concert!

    Walker had his last band concert of the year last night. The band has been practicing like crazy. I think it’s been one of the most discussed topics at our house…especially the last…

  • Counting My Blessings…

    It was 5 years ago today Jared was officially diagnosed with MS (Multiple Sclerosis)…His last full blown relapse was 6 years ago. It was the hardest thing we’ve ever gone through. Words cannot…

  • Mother’s Day

    Yesterday was Mother’s Day and I have to say it was one of the sweetest Mother’s Days I’ve had yet! The kids and Jared showered me with hugs, kisses, cards, candy, food, and…