• April AFROTC

    Eli is juggling a lot right now. I feel like I say this every time I write a post about him. LOL! But that doesn’t make it less true. 😉 AFROTC is a…

  • Sports Med College Tour Trip

    Alayna and her Sports Medicine Club got the opportunity to fly to California and tour a few college campuses and learn more about their programs. They even got to see a baseball team!…

  • I Don’t Want To Say Good-bye….

    Today was hard. I gave my best friend a tearful hug goodbye as her and her husband leave AZ for a new chapter in their lives. We have been through so much together…

  • It’s A Gift!

    Love to see it!! Walker is a gifted teacher and loves tutoring his students. One of his clients left this wonder review!!! His students love him and have been able to turn their…

  • Golden Scholars

    This is Alayna’s 6th year in Golden Scholars! However, she may have forgotten the ceremony was today. At least she was comfortable!! Sadly, Jared was out of town for work so he couldn’t…

  • Happy 20th Birthday!

    Happy 20th Birthday, Eli! I love these pictures. It shows that even though he’s grown up, he’s still so much the same little boy! Eli is one of the hardest working people I…

  • Welcome to The Space Force!!

    We got this fun surprise text from Eli today!!! He was accepted into the U.S. Space Force! He interviewed way back in January and he finally got the call! We are ecstatic!!! 13…

  • Patriarchal Blessing

    We had the opportunity to go with Eli to receive his Patriarchal blessing. I’m grateful he invited us to be apart of this special day. He’s been prayerfully and faithfully taking steps towards…

  • Saying Good-bye…

    Jared’s dad passed away on March 3rd. Because all of the kids live out of state the funeral had to be postponed until the18th. And sadly our kids weren’t able to come. There…

  • Las Vegas- Red Rock Rave

    The three of us hit the road for Vegas for Alayna’s volleyball tournament. This was the first time I got to travel with them for one of her national competitions. I was really…