• Happy 12th Birthday Eli!

    Happy 12th Birthday to my sticky face, big blue eyed, cute as a button, big hearted, quick witted, baby boy! Your larger than life laugh is absolutely contagious! I’m so blessed to be…

  • Walker’s Elegy to Art..LOL!

    Walker had an assignment in school. He had to write an Elegy. He chose to write about his disdain for art assignments and that every class one way or another tries to weave…

  • Eli Got Braces!!!

     Twelve is a big year! You get to re-model your room, you are preparing for Jr. High, preparing to receive the Priesthood (if you are a boy. 🙂 ), and you get braces!…

  • Happy Easter!

    How is it already Easter!?! This year is going way too fast!  This year we tried a new countdown for Easter. We usually do a 30 Day Countdown, based on The Living Christ.…

  • Not Just Any Old Door…

    We are quickly approaching 14 years living in our home. It’s pretty crazy how fast the years have gone by! As the saying goes, “The days are long, but the years are short.”…

  • Eli’s Room Remodel!!!

     Be warned…the “before” pictures are pretty frightening!!! This was taken in real time in real life! LOL!!! No editing here my friends! Eli was pretty embarrassed when he saw me take out the…

  • Harris’ Spring Break Visit!

    Jonita and Allen came to visit for Spring Break! It was so good to see them and to have the family get together. 🙂 We took a few group pictures before they had…

  • Cinderella!!!!

    We took the family to see the new live action movie, “Cinderella”. I have been anxiously waiting for it to be released. I was uncertain of what to expect since I didn’t really…

  • Erika’s Sr. Photoshoot

    My very dear friend’s daughter is graduating this year and she asked me if I would take her Senior Pictures. I was more than happy to! 🙂 She’s such a beautiful girl. We…

  • Happy 65th Birthday Mom!

    We took my Mom and Dad out for dinner. Mom’s bday is on the 9th. She was craving bbq ribs so we took her to Waldo’s in Mesa. We had a nice dinner…