Talitha (Talietha)

My dad called and we were chatting and he mentioned that he’d been reading the Bible.

Can we just stop right here for a minute and let that soak in…….

My dad….was reading the Bible!!!

My heart was fit to burst!

He’s never been one to talk religion much. He did take the missionary discussions decades ago but never commited. Overall, I do feel he believes in a higher power but he’s never really shared much about his thoughts and feeling on the matter.

He said he’s been struggling with life lately and has been trying to find more peace. While reading one day he said he came across this verse in Mark 5:41…..

He thought it was so cool that this little girl and I shared a name. Taleitha is my middle name. My dad actually named me Taleitha.

He said, “Jesus healed her!”

This simple exchange between my dad and me meant the world to me. Not only because he is in the Word and turning to Heavenly Father. Which is huge!! But it felt like this was Divine design and message to me from my Heavenly Father, from my earthly father, to remind me He’s aware of me and hasn’t given up on my path to healing.

God sends us angels to aide us. And usually those angles are everyday people. You and me.

Tears welled up in my eyes and as I write this they are again. So thankful for God touching my dad’s heart and life in simple ways. And thankful that my dad shared this sweet moment with me.

God is in the details of our lives.