Christmas Day!
Christmas morning we woke up and headed to church. We had a special Christmas program that was so incredible I’m still thinking about it!! The music was fantastic! It was as good as any professional concert I’ve been to before. Truly filled with the Spirit as well! So grateful for all of the talented people in our Ward who put this beautiful performance together and participated. <3

We got home from church and had a yummy brunch.
We had to wait until the afternoon for Eli and Brynne to get back from her families’ celebrations that morning. (Oh, the joys of juggling the holidays when you have a significant other ;P )
Everyone was finally all together and we had to take our traditional picture with Santa. However, we really missed Sammy sneaking into to the photo this year. We miss him still. <3

Then the fun began!

Our Christmases are usually pretty simple. We try to keep the focus on our Savior and His life. (The holidays can certainly become overwhelming if you’re not careful.)
After we exchanged gifts it was time to relax for a bit and I whipped up my World Famous hot chocolate and watched some Christmas movies. Let me tell you…I make a mean cup of hot chocolate!!!

Then it was time to get to work in the kitchen because that evening we went to Jared’s parent’s house for dinner. Potlucks are definitely the way to go for the holidays! I was thankful she offered to host Christmas. <3

We had a lovely day from beginning to end. Filled with the Spirit and focused on our Savior and Redeemer, The Son of God. How blessed we are for all He did for us!
Merry Christmas to you and your family!!!