Jared Graduated College!

A HUGE CONGRATULATIONS to Jared who graduated from BYU-I!! 🎓🎉👏

This is a 28 year goal accomplished! 💙🤍

Working full-time, running a self-employed business on the side, raising a family, serving in church callings, and being diagnosed with MS all while going to school made for quite a challenge. But he rose to it and even met another goal of wanting to get his degree before the kids. Which he snuck in one month before Walker! 😉

He is such an incredible example of commitment and perseverance. It’s never too late!!

🏫 BS in Computer Information Technology

Jared was a little funny about graduating. He felt like he was too old to have a big party but I couldn’t let this momentous occasion pass without some kind of celebration.

We were already going to be together with his family on Easter Sunday and I thought that would be the perfect compromise. 😛

I hatched a plan with his mom and siblings. I wanted to make it a surprise for him.

When he was out of town with Alayna in Vegas I made his favorite cake, German chocolate. I wrapped it really well and put it in the freezer. I said many prayers hoping he wouldn’t ask too many questions about what was under all the tin foil. Hahaha! It’s really hard pulling off a surprise when the person works from home and is around all the time. LOL!

His sister, Jonita also flew in from Texas to surprise him!

Easter came and he was clueless!

We had dinner and everything was just like a normal family holiday. It was time for dessert and I quickly finished decorating the cake and his sisters, Jen and Jonita, lead the way to the dining table singing, “He’s a Jolly Good Fellow”, as I followed behind with his cake.

He was SO SURPRISED and that made me so happy!!!😁🎉

I was so nervous the whole time. I thought for sure he was going to figure it out. LOL!

It all turned out perfectly. <3

Below are some of the cards he received….

The one below is my favorite! It’s from my mom and dad. You just have to know them to understand how classic and funny this is. It’s not a graduation card…it’s a congratulations on your new baby card! Hahahahahaha!!! Oh my gosh…I couldn’t stop laughing! I’m 99% sure they had no idea! Hahaha!

Congratulations Jared (not on a new baby cuz we are waaaay past that time in our lives…LOL!)!!!!!

I know all the work that went into this. That late nights, the stress, the questioning if it was worth it. But you kept pressing forward. You inspire all of us to reach for more and to better ourselves each and everyday.

Love you so much!!!