Girl’s Camp!

Alayna went to her first Girl’s Camp with the Young Women in our Ward. She has been looking forward to this for a couple of years now. She loves adventure and the outdoors! 
She also fell in love with a movie that came out a few years back called, “Once I Was a Beehive”, which is an over the top depiction of what camp is like. LOL! She has watched it so many times now she has every line memorized. 
The days leading up to camp we got her all the necessities and snacks. We talked about a lot of things. She had some reservations just before she left. It’s hard navigating friendships and being a girl sometimes. Feelings and emotions rule over us more than we like but Alayna is incredible. I can’t say enough how brave and independent she is. Things that are hard and scary for her never stop her from doing whatever it is she wants to do. Even when it’s REALLY hard. I admire that so much about her. After we talked she decided to still go and not let her worries hold her back. 
So Tuesday morning came and we loaded everything up and met over at Sis. Wright’s house with the YW’s group. We said our good-byes and had one last tight hug and they were off! 
This was also the first time Alayna has been away from home without Jared or me for this long. I think we were all feeling some nerves. LOL! 
Grateful for leaders who took pics and shared them with us! The girls went to Horton Springs and hiked the first day. 
They had some great physical activities which Alayna loved! 
They spent time making crafts.
 And putting on a skit. 
Horsed around…cuz that’s what camp is really about! 😛 
They had teamwork/team building exercises. 
They learned silly camp songs and even squeezed in some service for the people who own the property they used to set up camp at. 

Alayna said her favorite part was the Faith Walk. She said it was a powerful experience. She also bore her testimony one night. She said her faith and testimony grew a lot over the week and she was glad she went. 
Always good to see smiles at the end of it all! <3 
I got the text from her leaders on Friday afternoon that they were home. I couldn’t wait to see her, and when I did I couldn’t squeeze her tight enough! I missed her so much! 
She missed me too! <3 
As we drove home and then for the next couple of hours she filled me in on all the details. She talked, and talked and talked! Girls are SO different than boys. I loved every minute of it! 
Over all she loved camp. The last day there were some hard things she had to deal with but Brynne and some of the older girls really stepped in and loved my girl and cared for her. I can’t say enough how much that meant to me…and Alayna!! It was such a huge comfort to know that she had the support she needed. So grateful!!! 
Alayna said they only got showers one day up there. Can you tell???? LOL!!! 

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