Summer of Swimming!
I think my kids became part fish this summer!
We participated in every session of swim lessons this year but one. Only because I wasn’t aware they started so soon after school let out.
Alayna took to the water like crazy! She would have been happy if we let her move in and camp out there all summer long!
BIG bonus…The last session most families don’t sign up for. Alayna had private lessons!!!
Walker and Eli were in the same class. That was pretty nice.
Eli’s backstroke…looking good!
Walker’s backstroke…nice extension!
Notice Walker’s face is banged up. He tends to forget to put his hands out in front when he dives. Poor kid. LOL!
It was hot out there this summer, but it was so worth it to see each of the kids progress in such a short amount of time. It also was great exercise! It can be a challenge coming up with ideas to keep the kids busy.
Walker loved it so much he’s asked to sign up with one of the swim schools in hopes he can get good enough to join a Swim Team. I thought that was a WONDERFUL idea!
One Comment
Jill Ison
we should of swam together this summer. I'm thinking of putting kassidy on a swim team this year. its expensive, thats what's holding me back. she needs something though.