• Septoplasty, Turbinate Reduction, Adenoidectomy!

    On Thursday the 5th,  Walker went in for surgery. He had his deviated septum fixed and reduced the turbinates inside his nose. They call the procedure a “Septoplasty with bilateral endocsopic KTP laser/submucous…

  • Audiologist

    Alayna had her yearly check up at the doctor the other day and she failed the hearing screening again. She reminded us it’s been since 2014 since she’s had her hearing screened at…

  • Sleep Study Follow-Up

    Took Walker yesterday to see the ENT (ears, nose and throat dr.) to follow up with his sleep study. He was crazy behind schedule…like 90 minutes behind. We were gone for 3 hours!…

  • Pulmanologist

    Ever since Walker was little he’s snored like an old man. We did scan of his adenoids back when he was in kindergarten but the pediatrician felt they weren’t enlarged enough to take…

  • Say That Again…..??

    I’ve put off writing a post about this until we had more of the facts. We’ve had several doctor appts. and I feel like I have enough info. to share what’s been going…