1st Jr. High Dance

Can you even believe this is happening?!? Our baby went to her first dance! <3 
Ok, it’s not like a “dance” dance..but it’s still a dance.
 In Junior High the dances are the beginning of mixing the boys and girls in the same room. They don’t actually dance together. In fact, they mostly just stand next to the walls in groups, boys together in their groups and girls in their’s, and giggle and squeal and run in and out of the room and go eat their weight in pizza, soda, cotton candy, and popcorn! LOL!  It’s all VERY exciting stuff! 😛 

Alayna had a ball! She went with her new BFF Kelsey. They met in P.E. and they play on the volleyball team together. They are hilarious together!

So happy she’s meeting new people and living her best Jr. High life! 😀 

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