Eli’s Disneyland Band Trip

Friday Eli and the 8th grade band, orchestra, advanced drama, and advanced choir went to Disney to do a music workshop over the weekend. This is such a fun trip the kids get to do! 
Eli was clearly feeling extra excited at 5:30am! LOL!
Eli is in that big crowd of kids. I think they said it was around 270 students with all of the groups. If you look in the center of the photo you see a girl (Kaitlyn) with her hand raised, he’s just to the left of her hand. 😛 The kid with all the hair! 🙂 
One of my friends Cyndi Flores is one of the choir directors and she got to go with the kids. She sent me a few pictures. I really appreciate her doing that! Boys don’t like to take pictures. 😛 This was at breakfast Saturday morning. Eli said he got more than his fill on waffles! LOL!
Also notice my child is the only one not wearing his Disney shirt. That kid!!! 😛 It reminds me of that Sesame Street song, “One of these things is not like the other….” Hehehe!
Here are all the 8th graders! 
Eli is pretty much in the middle. He’s wearing his grey sweatshirt still so that helps! 😛 If you look at the Bucca sign, down to the door, and few rows from the back he’s right there. 
This is his group he was assigned to and the chaperones. Funny note: The guy on the right with the hat and glasses, was in band with Jared and me in High School. He played trombone. 😛 Now our kids are in band together. His kid plays trombone and Eli plays saxophone like Jared did! 😀 
We did manage to get a couple of photos from Eli! 
He said it was most fun Disney trip he’s ever been on. He didn’t really want to tell us that though. He didn’t want to hurt our feelings. 😛 But it’s totally understandable. You get to run around adult free all day with all you friends…How is that not going to be the best time ever??? 🙂 
He did say as they were walking home from the Park to the hotel it started to pour rain and then started to hail!!! It was a good 30 min. walk too. But I think it just makes the trip all the more memorable! 
We picked him up Sunday afternoon after church. As you can see it “loves” it when I want to take his picture. 😛 
He was pretty tired. But was chatty in the car and told us all about the music workshop and all the fun they had. He even got pommes frites! Those are a family tradition! MMMM! So good! 🙂 
Grateful he was able to have this opportunity! These are the experiences you always remember and tell your kids about one day! 

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