30 Days of Gratitude

Thanksgiving and Fall have always been my favorite holiday and time of year. I love that this particular holiday is simple and pure. Gathering everyone I love around me, giving thanks to my Father in Heaven, and having a wonderful meal together! 
There are no costumes to buy, Valentine’s to worry about, or wondering if I forgot someone on my Christmas list. There are no expectations or concerns the Easter Bunny is going to be late, figuring out how to stay cool in July as we try to figure out where to watch fireworks, or making New Year’s resolutions that I probably won’t be able to keep. LOL! Thanksgiving is the perfect holiday! šŸ™‚
Every year I take the month of November and make a more concerted effort to think about the blessings in my life. I’ve posted them on Face Book in prior years but this year I tried to delve a little deeper into why I’m thankful for certain things..not just ramble off a list, but really give it some thought. 
When I began posting these things I’m “Thankful For”, it was really for my own inventory and to acknowledge these gifts in my life and to keep a record of it. I didn’t foresee the impact it would have on my family and friends. I’ve been extremely humbled and touched by the outpouring of positive things so many have written to me. I will share them at the end of this post.  

30 Days of Gratitude:

1&2- In the midst of everything that has been going on
this week I missed the fact that yesterday was the 1st day of November. I love
this time of year and this holiday season to be able to set aside time to
really count my blessings and recognize all that I have to be thankful for.
Since I missed yesterday I will begin with 2 blessings in my life. I’m thankful
for my loving husband who despite all that has come our way in the past 20
years he leads our family with strength, love, and wisdom. I’m also thankful
for modern medicine and that we have access to it when we need it.
3- Thankful for the power of prayer. It matters not our
circumstance, be we humble or arrogant, poor or rich, free or enslaved, learned
or ignorant, loved or forsaken, we can address Him. My heart swells with
gratitude that He loves us so much that He provided this gift to all of us to
come unto Him whenever and wherever we are. He is listening.
4- Thankful for my 3 beautiful children. Each of them bring
joy and light to everyone they meet. They are amazing people who work hard,
strive to do what is right, and constantly teach me what is most important in
life. They have a personal relationship with their Heavenly Father and know
they are His children. I’m extremely blessed to be their mom and be apart of
their lives. It’s not always easy but it is absolutely worth it! My dream has
always been to be a mother.
5- Thankful for the amazing friends in my life. Each of them
help me want to strive to do better and live better. I’m humbled by their
examples of strength, generosity, compassion, service, faith, and love.
6- Thankful for my home and all that it provides. A refuge
from the world, a warm place to sleep, and place to gather my loved ones. It is
a sanctuary of learning and growing in temporal & spiritual ways. It allows
me the ability cook special meals for family & friends. My home offers me a
secure place to be a mother & wife. It gives my family a retreat to create
memories together. It is my little piece of heaven on earth!
7- Thankful for my awesome visiting teachers! Even though
they have their own families, careers, and struggles, they never hesitate to
serve me and my family. They edify the meaning of charity. They are more than
fellow members of my church. They are my sisters.  BTW – Thank you
for the fantastic banana splits!! ;D
8- Thankful for the Scouting Program and that it teaches my
boys to put God 1st, Family 2nd, and Country 3rd. It helps them in their
physical, mental and spiritual development as they learn to “Be
Prepared” and to “Do a Good Turn Daily”. I’m thankful for their
leaders and all the time, energy, and patience as they guide my boys on their
path to be good men. Today is a great example as Eli participates in his
school’s Veteran’s Day Ceremony and honors those men and women who have served
our country.
9- Thankful for the Temple. It is a sacred place where I am
able to truly be removed from the noise and distractions of the world. I am
able to feel the presence and love of my Heavenly Father so closely each time I
enter His Holy House. The Temple refines me as an individual and helps me
strive to be a better person. It helps me to love more deeply, become more
selfless, and to be more teachable and humble. It is a physical reminder that
He has not removed Himself from us and that He wishes all of us to come
“home” to Him. It brings great blessings to my life.
10- Thankful for my trials. Even though I would never ask
for them, my Heavenly Father knows me more perfectly than I know myself, and
allows me to grow in ways I wouldn’t be able to otherwise. As I sit in the
middle of the refinerā€™s fire even today I know I’m being shaped and molded by
His hands to become the person He wants me to be. Some days are extremely hard
but through His love and His guiding hand I have been able to witness the
generosity, kindness, love, prayers, comfort, and service of the angels on this
earth that He has sent and continues to send as my family and I endure. I’m
strengthened by these moments as they come in different times and seasons of my
life. They help me to understand others struggles and pains and hopefully I can
in turn support and lift them as we travel in our journey of life. Life can be
hard…really, really hard… He never said it would be easy, He only said it
would be worth it!
11- Thankful for the men and women who have served and
continue to serve our beautiful country. I’m blessed to live in a country that
is free and allows me the liberties and choices I desire. Because of their
sacrifices I am given so many freedoms. I’m thankful for the right to vote,
worship as I believe, marry whom I love, live where I desire, and I am able to
raise all of my children. These heroic citizens allow us to live our lives with
the freedoms we all expect, enjoy, and all too often take for granted. We can
live the American Dream thanks to these brave men and women. I’m thankful to
their families as well. What an example of strength it is to stand by their
father, mother, brother, sister, wife, cousin, friend, as they are called away
and know they will need to sacrifice their precious time together. I’m thankful
for these amazing selfless individuals. Happy Veteran’s Day!
12- Thankful for our health. It has been a little over 2 1/2
years since Jared has had a relapse and for that I’m truly grateful! Even
though his illness weighs on my mind daily we are blessed that it rarely
affects his daily life to the point he is unable to function. He does have good
days and bad days but, we are fortunate that the good typically outweigh the
bad. I’m thankful that my children are healthy and have strong minds and
bodies that allow them the freedoms and joys to explore and play. I’m also grateful
for my own health that enables me to take care of my family and even accomplish
the most mundane chores of daily life. There have been times due to
injury/illness I have yearned to make a sandwich for my daughter, walk
painlessly while grocery shopping, and do my family’s laundry. It’s easy to
take these things we easily do each day for granted until that moment when we
are unable. When I was 11 years old I sat in the room with my Grandmother who
was fighting an uphill battle with brain cancer and she shared words of wisdom
with me I will never forget. She said, “Vanessa if you don’t have your
health, you don’t have anything.” I took to heart her words and try to
live a healthy life. Things of course come our way that are beyond our control.
This day however, I find my family in good health and I am deeply grateful!
13- Thankful for hope and faith. Throughout my life they
have carried me through. Each has given me the strength and courage to
overcome. I’m buoyed in times of trials and difficulties. They encourage me to
forge ahead, as I’ve face unpleasant realities. I try to recognize the beauties
of life around me. I recently read a quote that says, ā€œTwo men look out through
the same bars: One sees the mud, and one the starsā€, in spite of my trials,
I cling to my faith and hope, and try to allow myself to be filled with a sense
of well-being. On many occasions I’m successful and others not so much. There
are certainly times my hope has faded and I’ve succumbed to feelings of
desperation and discouragement…I’m human after all…But I’ve discovered that
sitting in that place doesn’t change my situation, it doesn’t improve my well-being,
it doesn’t help me to move forward, so I do the best I can to put one foot in
front of the other and hold fast to hope and faith. “Therefore, dearly
beloved brethren, let us cheerfully do all things that lie in our power; and
then may we stand still, with the utmost assurance, to see the salvation of
God, and for his arm to be revealed.” D&C 123:17.
14- Thankful for my childrenā€™s teachers & leaders. It is
said, ā€œThe greatest work we will ever do will be within the walls of our home.ā€
I believe this with all of my heart. Building a strong family, community, and
nation begins at home. However, we can’t keep our little ones in a bubble, even
though I’d really love to do that, and we must send them out into the world. It
brings me great comfort to know when I do let these precious spirits leave my
care, that they have wonderful adults and mentors in their life that help reiterate
the lessons and ideals we try so desperately to instill in them, before the
noise and distractions of the world grab hold and convince them otherwise. I
appreciate the time, energy, and example they provide for my children. These
selfless individuals are helping Jared and me to shape and mold these little
people into productive members of society who have integrity, character, a good
education, and a strong faith. Without them our job as parents would even more
challenging than it already is. To know my children are surrounded by others
that love and respect them for who they are and see their potential means the
world to us. Thank you to each of you who have and continue to bless our
childrenā€™s lives with all that you do!
15- Thankful for family history. Since I was little I’ve
always loved to take pictures, journal, scrapbook, and now blog. As I’ve gotten
older I’ve come to enjoy learning about my grandparents and the lives of my
ancestors. Itā€™s very grounding to know what kind of people they were and to see
if I can find any of their traits in myself. I love reading about how they came
to live where they did, and why they made those choices. Some by way of
their own decisions, others were called. Reading about their families and the
things that weighed on their minds, their joys, friends, day to day chores, and
struggles give me a better insight to their character and who they were as
individuals. Some had trials beyond my comprehension. One I recall lost 11 of
her 13 children…as a mother I cannot even begin to image the heartache. Some
have stories of braving the West and settling ā€œThe waste placesā€ and doing
their best to make a good life for their families. I have precious love letters
that my Great- Great Grandfather and Grandmother wrote to one another as they
were courting. Iā€™m thankful that my family has kept journals/records and that I
have many of them at my fingertips. If I ever need a dose of perspective I just
dive into those amazing lives of those who have come before me and take notes on
how truly blessed I am and how far I’ve been able to come because of their
sacrifices, hard work, and desire to do and give more to their loved ones. Iā€™m
also thankful for these entries as they came in quite handy this week as Eli
had a report due today on how his ancestors immigrated to America. We easily
could pick from several individuals because we had these treasured documents.
In case you were wondering who he chose, he picked Samuel Fuller. He is Eliā€™s
11th Great-Grand Uncle. He was the doctor and surgeon on the Mayflower! 
16- Thankful for my parents. Both came from very humble
homes and they are both the oldest in their families. Being the oldest siblings
of large families a lot of responsibilities fell to them. They learned a great
work ethic. Iā€™m thankful to them for passing that down to me. I enjoy tackling
a task and the gratification it gives me when I’ve attained a goal. Iā€™m
thankful to them for loving me even when Iā€™m not so loveable and teaching me
that family always comes first. They support me in my decisions even when they
may not understand or necessarily agree with them. My mom has always been my
soft place to fall and my dad has always been my protector. They both march to
the beat of their own drum and are two of the most unique people I’ve ever met.
Iā€™m not a child anymore but I still need my mom and dad, I always will. I am
one of the fortunate ones that was raised by both a mother and fatherā€¦I know
not everyone has that blessingā€¦.and Iā€™m thankful for all of the sacrifices
they’ve made for me over the years. I wouldn’t be who I am today without them.
17- Thankful for the children in Primary. Every week I get
to spend time serving in the Primary. I love the sweetness of these innocent
children. They have the pure love of Christ in their hearts. Itā€™s such a joy to
see their eyes light up when they begin to understand the lessons they are
taught each week. On many occasions they teach me about the simple truths
instead of the other way around. I love to hear their comments, giggles, and
watch them support each other when someone may be having a bad day. We have
some really amazing children on our Ward and I feel that my life is blessed by
knowing each and every one of them.
18-Thankful for Now. The way every moment is a new
beginning. Right now is a perfect time to start over. This moment is a brand
new opportunity to rebuild what I truly want. When things begin to feel
overwhelming I try to not think about what might have been, and starting
looking at what can be. There are three little words that release me from past
struggles and regrets and guide me forward. They are: ā€œFrom now onā€¦ā€
19-Thankful for my hands. They are a beautiful gift that
enable me to create new things, hold hands with loved ones, pray, serve those
around me, make delicious meals for my family, and hold friends and family
close. Itā€™s amazing how with each set of hands everyone has their own unique
fingerprints. Some hands are small, tender, and soft and others are worn,
wrinkled, and seen many seasons of life. Each express the life they have been a
part of. Hands enable us to carry and be carried. To touch one anotherā€™s lives.
We shake hands to greet, agree, and as form of a binding contract. We reach out
our hands to connect to humanity. My hands have enabled me to bless those
around me and others’ hands have certainly blessed my life!

20-I am thankful for seasons. I am thankful that seasons
bring change. We can mark the passing of time through the passing of seasons. I
can see new growth and change in myself and the world around me as I move from
season to season. These seasons move me, mark me, and change me. Seasons of joy
and sorrow, faith and frustration. Each high seems to have an equal low and
each low an equal high. There are seasons of planting and seasons of harvest,
and soon enough the time will come when I will be able to reap the amazing
harvest of all that was sewn while I was diligently planting. I try and take
time each day to stop, be still, and be thankful for the season I am in. In
every season I try to find hope, joy, and passion. In every season there is
beauty to be found…..I love fall! 
21-Thankful for the ability to read. I read recently that,
only about one third of the worldā€™s population has internet access. And there
are roughly 774 million people in the world who arenā€™t educated enough to read.
I feel privileged and blessed to be counted among the number of people that
have had the gift of a good education and the ability to read. Learning to read
changes your life forever. You gain immediate access into the world of
make-believe and a front row seat to new discoveries. It is empowering and
uplifting. I spent a few years as a Teacherā€™s Assistant in a Resource
classroom. The students I worked with had reading levels all across the board
and I can tell you that no one understands the importance of reading more than
those who canā€™t read yet. I am grateful that not only can I read, but that I
can teach others to as well. Being a mother the ability to read has taken on
yet another dimension. Reading to and with my own children is wonderfulā€¦and
having them read to me brings me so much joy!
22-Thankful for my life. This life gives me the chance to
experience all that Iā€™m experiencing and will be experiencing in time to come.
I feel blessed at the unique privilege to be me. I embrace my
individualityā€¦however, it hasn’t happened overnight, itā€™s a lifelong process. I
have the sense of sight, letting me see the colors of life, and the ability to
read anything I choose. The sense of hearing, letting me hear the trickle
of rain, the voices of my loved ones, and the harmonious chords of music. Sense
of touch, letting me feel the texture of my clothes, the breeze of the wind,
and the hands of those around me. The sense of smell, allowing me breathe in
the warm aroma of baking desserts, scrumptious dinners, and beautiful flowers.
Sense of taste, letting me savor the sweetness of fruits, the saltiness of
seawater, the sourness of pickles, the bitterness of a walnut, and the
spiciness of chili. My speech, for giving me the outlet to express myself. My
heart, for pumping blood to all the parts of my body every second since I was
born (this is especially important to me since I have heart issues now); for
giving me the ability to feel. Even though sometimes I think I feel too much.
My lungs, for letting me breathe so I can live. My hands, so I can photograph
the beauty I see around me, flip the pages of books, and hold the hands of my
family and friends. My feet, for letting me walk (even though it still isn’t as
far as I would like). I can walk further than 3 years ago. My mind, for the
ability to think, to store memories, and to create new solutions. Being blessed
with one more day on earth is not one everyone is afforded. Too many days are
wasted comparing ourselves to others and wishing to be someone or something we
aren’t. Every one of us has our own strengths and weaknesses, and it is only
when we accept everything we are, and aren’t, that we will truly find the
happiness and fulfillment we seek. Life is good!

23- Thankful for mistakes. I am grateful for the blunders
Iā€™ve made and the faults I have, as they are what make me stronger physically
and mentally. They prepare me for the next obstacle. Iā€™ve been able to gain
insight and knowledge through each experience. I have failed over and over in
my life, and Iā€™m sure I will continue to. However, I will also continue to get
up, pull up my boot straps, and try again. If I never made mistakes I would
never learn anything new. Mistakes stretch me as a person. They help me to
uncover what works and what doesnā€™t. The greatest classroom is our own
experiences. The pain from some of my mistakes will definitely prevent me from
making them in the future, which enables me to become the individual I aspire
to be. Some say there are no failures or mistakesā€¦only lessons learned.

24- Thankful for forgiveness. Although forgiveness is something we give to a
person, in the end it is a gift to ourselves. Without forgiveness, one can
become hard and bitter, not just toward the person who has done the wrong but
to many around us because bitterness doesnā€™t have boundaries. Iā€™m thankful for
forgiveness because it allows me to let go of the vengeances and makes room for
love, compassion and the understanding that my life is not defined by hurt.
Forgiving doesnā€™t justify the wrong. However, I also donā€™t need my offenders to
ā€œpayā€ for what they did. There is power in forgiveness. It relieves me of my
selfishness and pride. Once I release control, which I really have no control
over anyway, I am able to grow and be unchained.  When I donā€™t forgive others,
I become captive to unforgiveness, and it affects many aspects of my life and
robs me of joy. Many times, the offender never even knows they have offended me,
and they go on living their lives free from worry and bitterness. This took me
a long time to realize. In Matthew 18:21-22, Peter asked, ā€œLord, how often
should I forgive someone who sins against me? Seven times?” And Jesus
replies, ā€œNo, not seven times, but seventy times
seven!” And no, that does not mean on the 491st time they are out of luck.
I am to always forgive. I’m also thankful for the unconditional
forgiveness I receive from the Lord – all I have to do is ask. To be forgiven
is absolutely liberating when I am guilty of something I have done or
said. I’m thankful that although I am far from perfect, all my sins are
forgiven because Christ died on the cross for me. And because I’m forgiven,
there’s a promise of eternity. I’m also thankful for friends and family that
believe in forgiving “seventy times seven,” and have forgiven me over
the years. Because I have been forgiven, this allows me to forgive others, and
I must.  I admit it, some things are not easy to forgive, but the
Lord helps me during these times. With Jesus Christ as my lawyer, arguing
on my behalf, bestowing His righteousness on me, I donā€™t have to live under
constant guilt and condemnation for my sins. That is a great blessing!! 

25- Thankful for Insight and clarity. Grateful for those
opportunities Iā€™m able to look back at something that has been bothering me and
suddenly I am able to see it in a different light. Or when I manage to make a
really good decision in the middle of chaos. Iā€™ve found these opportunities
come more often when I turn off the TV, limit social media, and make a slow and
deliberate effort to find balance in my life. Iā€™m sure I might be equally (or
better) served by simply turning down ā€œthe noise & distractionsā€ in a more
permanent way, as opposed to simply tuning it out at intervals. When I get
stuck in the daily routine and lose connection with everything else I find
those moments for insight and clarity far removed from my grasp. Prayer and
meditation greatly move me forward to finding insight and clarity to those
things that weigh on me. Mindful planning and assessment help in my ability to
move towards worthy goals. Sometimes to find what I have been searching for, a
radical and comprehensive honesty is required first. While trying to achieve
clarity and insight, if I have not put everything out on the table and have not
been truly (not brutally, but authentically) honest with myself then the
clarity and insight I hope to gain will evade me. Honesty can be challenging,
uncomfortable, sometimes downright confronting ā€“ but itā€™s also a release, and
life after honesty is a better place!
26- Thankful for memories. Iā€™m ridiculously nostalgic. I
love taking photographs, blogging, watching home movies, and remembering the
past. Jared teases me that our family is probably the most well documented
family on earth. Iā€™m ā€œthat momā€ that always has the camera ready at a momentā€™s
notice. Itā€™s not uncommon to find me on a Sunday afternoon watching old
vacation videos on the couch by myself, because the rest of the family has seen
them a 100 times already and they love me enough to let me do it anyway..LOL! I
affectionately call it Virtual Vacation Day. I adore revisiting those days when
my children were learning to walk, talk, and finding ā€˜troubleā€™. Keeping these
records either written or visual fill in the gaps of my ā€œmom brainā€ that Iā€™ve
long forgotten. Iā€™ve made scrapbooks for each of my kids for the 1st 2 years of
their lives and they ask me often to pull out those books and we sit together
and they ask me to tell them stories about the funny little things they used to
do. It connects us and has brought many laughs and good times. I enjoy sharing
memories with them about when I was a kid too. They of course donā€™t always
believe mom was ever a little girl. On holidays I enjoy bringing out my
Grandmotherā€™s silver and as I open the box I think of all the things I remember
about her. How she used to love to collect rocks, the mean peacocksā€™ that would
run loose in her backyard and chase us Grandkids, the weeping willow tree in
her orchard I used to love to climb, and how her pantry was full of canned peaches she canned herself. Memories
are sort of like hugs from the pastā€¦always ready to welcome me in their arms.
Too cheesy??? Probablyā€¦but never the less true! šŸ˜›
27- Thankful for joy! I love the word joy. To me it conveys
more than happiness. Joy to me is when I have one of those moments where all of
a sudden my heart just feels so full that I canā€™t stand it, where the smile on
my face is so big that it makes my face hurt a tiny bit and the joy is leaking
out of my eyes. It fills me up and keeps me energized in a way nothing else can.
It enables me to see the beauty in everything. Life has a way of making
troubles seem urgent and encourage procrastinating joy. Waiting for the ā€œto
doā€™sā€ to be done, or for this crisis to pass before enjoying life is a trap. 
After this crisis passes another one will be right on its tail.  I try
very hard not to allow my circumstances dictate my joy.  Even when I have
setbacks, delays, or disappointments I try the very best I can to not let them
prevent me from taking the time to give thanks. In the scriptures Iā€™ve learned
a deeper understanding of joy. I recently read a blog post that summarized it
perfectly, ā€œWeā€™re not just to have joy like His; we are to have His joy. What
was this joy Jesus had and wanted us to have? First, He had an abounding joy.
He said, ā€œā€¦that your joy might be full.ā€ His joy was not half-hearted joy, not
maybe-so joy, but it was joy that was abounding and supernatural. Not only an
abounding joy, but Jesus also had an abundant joy. Abounding speaks of the
quality of the joy, and abundant speaks of the amount of joy. Even through His
tears and even through His agony, His was an abundant joy. And He had an
abiding joy. He said, ā€œā€¦ that My joy might remain in you ā€¦ā€ It was not joy that
came and went. We need to realize that Jesus taught us this lesson about joy as
He faced dark Calvary. We too are to have joy in the good times, the bad times,
the nighttime, the daytime, the rainy day, and the sunny day. Weā€™re to rejoice
in the Lord always.ā€ There are souls in this world who have the gift of finding
joy everywhere and leaving it behind them when they go. – Faber . It
is my hope that I can be a person like this. ā€œThese things have I spoken unto
you, that My joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full.ā€ John
28- Thankful for the ā€œlittle thingsā€. Iā€™m thankful that in
each day there are things I can appreciate. Iā€™m thankful for chocolateā€¦if you
could taste heaven, I think thatā€™s what it would taste like! šŸ˜› A smile from a
stranger when Iā€™m having a down day. Giggles from my childrenā€™s bedrooms as
they play. Sunshine through my window that reminds me of Godā€™s love for me. Getting
the best parking spot. Sleeping in fresh clean sheets warm and right out of the dryer.
Gorgeous Fall days. Finding a pair of jeans that fit just rightā€¦this should
probably be under the heading of ā€œmiraclesā€ instead of ā€œlittle thingsā€…lol! Snuggling
with my family on the couch watching a movie and munching freshly popped
popcorn. Hearing Jaredā€™s and my song playing on the radio as I drive my 500th
carpool with the kids. Enjoying my momā€™s breakfast potatoes and homemade bean
burritosā€¦NO one makes them the way she does!! Having all the right coupons and
getting the perfect deal! Breaking out into a jig & Jared catching me in
the act and then he joins in!!!!! Finding sweet notes from one of my children
they have made for one of their siblings. Hitting all the green lights on the
way home. Baked goodsā€¦.mmmm! This list is truly endlessā€¦there are so many
things to be thankful for! Happy Thanksgiving!!!!
29- Thankful for love. Iā€™m thankful for the opportunities
Iā€™ve had in my life to love and be loved. Iā€™m grateful that Iā€™ve had the
courage to be vulnerable and put my heart out there for others and that others
have done the same for me. As Iā€™ve grown up Iā€™ve experienced the love of my
parents, my brother and sister, and friends. As a young adult I came to know
what it feels like to find the love of my lifeā€¦my High School Sweetheartā€¦ He
has in turn showed me how to love myself. As we began a family Iā€™ve been
blessed with the understanding of unconditional love as I held my beautiful
babies in my arms. There is nothing in life that is more pure. As my children
grow Iā€™ve come full circle and have heard them utter the most treasured words
in my life, ā€œI love you mom.ā€ What joy this sweet sentence gives! Love enables
me to feel what it truly means to be alive!!

30- Thankful for Gratitude. Gratitude doesnā€™t make problems
and threats disappear. We can lose jobs; we can lose a loved one, and we can
get sick. Iā€™ve experienced all of those things. I remember those harrowing
times at unexpected moments, and through those experiences, Iā€™ve found so much
encouragement, happiness, and love from focusing on what Iā€™m grateful for
rather than what I donā€™t have. Gratitude is the mental tool we use to remind
ourselves of the good stuff. Itā€™s a lens that helps us to see the things that
donā€™t make it onto our lists of problems to be solved. Itā€™s a spotlight that we
shine on the people who give us the good things in life. Itā€™s a bright red
paintbrush we apply to otherwise-invisible blessings. Gratitude is known to be
good for us and those around us. It is a conscious effort to get into the habit
of being grateful. Gratitude is important for how good I feel mentally,
physically, socially, and spiritually. This action is simple but incredibly
powerful. As I come to the end of this month long posts of things Iā€™m ā€œThankful
forā€, Iā€™ve felt a deeper sense of peace in my life. Iā€™m a grateful person, and
I do count my blessings each day, but taking the time to really consider all
that I have been given has made me take a deeper look at each element in my
life and consider how it has been a gift to me. When I began this monthā€™s posts
I never imagined it would have the impact that it has on those who have read
them. It warms my heart to know in some small way I was able to brighten or
lift someoneā€™s day. Iā€™m grateful for the opportunity to recognize all that I
have been blessed with, big and small. God is good!!! 

Below are some of the comments that just filled my heart!

Wow…Vanessa you really have a way expressing what is in your heart. I have enjoyed your thoughts each day, but this one hit home. Thanks for sharing.

I’m going to save everyone of these ‘thankful’ posts of yours and read them when I need a lift.

Seriously, Vanessa, I agree with whoever it was that said you need to compile these into a book (so that those that can read can enjoy them). These are fantastic!! 
Very poetic!! Have you thought about writing??
Thank you for posting each day, reminding me of my many blessings. This is truly touching. Now I have to redo the makeup.
See why you are my hero?!
I told them you were my anchor while I was bedridden. You could bake, I couldn’t. You could cook, I couldn’t. You are just amazing! I told them I needed a WWVD bracelet…what would Vanessa do! I’m still not back to what I was able to do before. I never will be. But, you can, so I don’t have to beat myself up because I can’t. 
You are an amazing woman. You are so very Christlike and talented. You ooze joy and sweetness, no matter what. Your children are well-prepared spiritually and grounded in gospel principles.
You are such a strong person and I am amazed at how you show everyone that you are holding strong to the rod. You are such a great example to me.
 My brother (terminal cancer) sends out a daily devotional via e-mail to a group of about 50 friends. I am now sending him your daily thoughts of gratitude. It gives him strength too. Thank you.
Your faith is an example to us all, Vanessa.

I am so inspired by reading your posts every day. Keep the faith. 

Wow…just wow..*shudders with cold chills*

LOVE!! Joy is one of my favorite words…one of the most living, aspiring and inspiring words. Lovely šŸ™‚ <3


 I’m thankful for you, Vanessa, You’re an inspiration.
Have a great day!

See what I mean??? Truly humbling….It’s been a wonderful experience and I highly recommend that everyone try it. Of course not everyone needs or wants to do it in the form I chose, but to keep a Gratitude Journal at home and each day writing down those things you witnessed as a blessing or joy  that day will greatly impact your life for the positive!! I have a strong testimony of that! šŸ™‚

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